
European Common Frog (Rana Temporia) Question?

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A while ago some frogs laid frogspawn in my garden pond, about 10 of them survived to the adult stage or being a frog. Next week a man is coming to fix our garden fence, i know when the man takes up the fence the frogs will escape through the area. Because i did not want the frogs to escape i collect as many i could find and put them in a tank with some crickets and mealworms. The tank is covered with a mesh and is 3/4 full of gravel and the other 1/4 is full of water. Will the frogs be okay for about 1-2 weeks in the tank with enough food and water? I really honestly don't want to release them into the wild and i will keep adding more mealworms and crickets...




  1. sweetie they may get out when the fence is done but they will come back, frogs will go off and feed outside an area and don't need a pond, for the first five years of their life they are hardly in a pond,  but even if they do get out they will be back to breed, frogs always return to the pond they were born in to breed so don't worry too much, why not let the little frogs go and adventure like they would naturally and in a few years you will find they will come back to you, but to keep wild frogs in a tank will stress them and they may die, they deserve to live free like they were born , i think the saying if you love something let it free, if it comes back it is yours if it doesn't it never was applies here, and the chances are because you caged them as soon as you release them back in to your garden they will go any way, no garden fence can keep a wild frog in,  if that does not convince you then maybe the fact it is  against the law to keep common frogs,  especially if you take them from the wild, let them go and do their thing honey they will be back to you, best of luck

  2. These frogs won't do well in captivity, they stress very easily. They will always return to your pond. Besides it is also illegal to encapture of move frogs or frogspawn.


  3. maybe but wild caught frogs dont really do that well in captivity they tend to have stress issues and illnesses(begin cooped in with so many other frogs disease can run writhe) . also the set-up should be more like 2/3 water 1/3 land. keep cool as possible (16-18 degrees is good and up to 20 is ok)

    also dont leave un eaten food the with the frogs for more than an hour as they can bite or injure the frogs . also water will need to be filter and 1/4 changed every week. declorinated tap water or spring water only.

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