
European Imperialism in Africa- where can I find the indigenous perspective?

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I need some sources for a paper and have been searching for hours but cannot find a primary or secondary source that outlines how the indigenous Africans felt about imperialism. Obviously their view was of diapproval, but I seek specifics. If anyone has any good links, it would be of HUGE help. (essay due tomorrow)




  1. Here you will find some really good sources that you can use for your paper.

    will give you quite a bit of information on africa, it is a great site and I use it for finding primary sources quite frequently

  2. I know it's as if Africa has been made mute.

    When South Africa was colonized by the Dutch

    [Klaas Stuurman [A Khoisan chief] in Southern Africa

    said in the 18th century:

    "  "We lived very contentedly ... before these Dutch plunderers molested us;  and why should we not do so again;  if left to ourselves?  Has not the Groot Baas [god]... given plenty of grass-roots, and berries, and grasshoppers for our use;  and, till the Dutch destroyed them, an abundance of wild animals to hunt?  And will they not return and multiply, when these destroyers are gone?"

    The stuurmans were what we would call "freedom fighters/rebels" today,many members of this family were sent to robben island for active resistence to colonisation in the 18th century .There are many academic papers on them.

    [Search google]

    There were also many revolts, "the pondo revolt" is one example of african perspectives to british imperialism in South Africa, alot of academic literature on that one.But of course still interpreted by western academics.

    I think the african attitude to it is best summed up by the african proverb:

    "Until the lions have their own historians,the tale of the hunt will always glorify the hunter."

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