
European Saint Bernard???

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My father is thinking about buying me a saint puppy. The owners said they were full blooded. the father is a saint and looks like one, but the mother doesnt look like a saint, it kinda does but the color and face doesnt seem like a saint bernard. so i questioned the owner about it and he said the mother was a european saint. Is there such thing....if yes give me pics

i have pics of mother----->




  1. I'd say she is either a mixed breed or a poorly bred St.Bernard. Here is one with a similarly -shaped head.

  2. im no expert on saints but it looks like a mix to me.

  3. That can't be a saint bernard. No way.

  4. The dog looks very similar to a smooth coat St. Bernard we had years ago.  The smooth coat was developed because the rough coat St's had trouble with snow and ice caking in their coats and paws.  

    She is not a bad looking dog at all...the smooth coated St. Bernard history can probably be googled somewhere.

    I wouldn't discount this puppy as a potential pet at all.

  5. Ask to see the parents' papers and pedigree. A good breeder would have offered to let you see them right away. If the dogs aren't AKC registered you have no way of knowing if they are actually purebred. I've never heard of any differences between American and European St. Bernards, so the female is probably just a poor specimen or a even mix. I would look for a different breeder.

  6. People will do anything to sell their crappy BYB dogs. Give them a goofy name and make it seem legit.

    First of all, that is the worst representation of a St. Bernard I have ever seen. The dog is either very poorly bred or the dog is not a purebred Saint.

    If you want a St. Bernard, get it off from a reputable breeder who breeds show quality dogs and knows the breed and does test on there dogs to ensure the best or get it from a rescue or shelter.

  7. That is not a purebred St. Bernard dog.  Do not be fooled by people trying to tell you it is some kind of obscure type.

    The legal fact is this:  if the dog does not have papers, it can not be represented as a purebred dog.  Period.

    I would not encourage this backyard breeder by giving her money -- just makes her want to breed them again.

  8. I don't know what to tell you  I know that their  are two different  types of coats. But i googles a european st. bernard and al lit brought up were  pages that had the word european and the  st bernard in it since thats where they originated from. I know there are European great danes.

    Hope you find yoru answer.  i would  ask to see her papers  stating that she is a european . Or contack the AKC and find out.  


  9. geez, people will say anything to try to sell their c**p bred dogs because there are so many people who want to believe their gimmick BS! haha

    I guess if they can fool someone into thinking that their extremely poor quality dog is 'special' from somewhere else, that it is a way to get rid of their poor bred pups.  That isn't a 'european' anything but poor quality dog.

  10. That is not a Saint Bernard. If it is, it's the worst-bred Saint I have ever seen. I would look elsewhere for a puppy unless they are free or vaccination price.

    Starring for Vet Tech since I know she'll give you a good lecture.  

  11. There is a difference between the AKC standard and the FCI (European ) standard,  You can go to this site, they have a, Picture Library, and you can look up Saint Bernards on their web-page. There are differences.. but she really doesn't look like she fits the FCI standard either. You can find the FCI standard at or

    I would want to see papers of the mom. See where she came from. Who her parents/breeder is. See who the sire is and ask to see his papers.  Also see if they have done any health screens.

    I know a lot of people say they only want a pet so don't care if it looks like a show dog.. The issue is not only type..but health is also an important issue, what is in the background of the puppy. If this is someone that has two saints and bred them without having a clear idea of what they are doing or what a saint should be and should not be.. lots of issues can come up.

    I would probably look for another saint puppy if they cannot show you the paperwork showing her lines are from Europe (shows you can't trust them) or you are not happy with anything you see.

    One other thing just because a breeder is not listed on the parent clubs breeder referral does not mean it is a bad breeder. That is a paid referral and not everyone joins.  Just as not every breeder that lists on the AKC web site sells well bred saints.  You need to do your homework on any breeder.. Ask if they are members of local or parent clubs.  Look at the pedigree and ask for health checks.. Hips, heart, thyroid, those are issues in Saint Bernards that can be screened for.

    Best of luck  

  12. Yep, she's probably full St. Bernard.  Some, especially the males, are more "jowly" than others.  Of course, some dogs are just plain not as "typey" as others.  That is, one strain of St. Bernards may be less furry and big-boned and have a cleaner head than another strain, depending on what the breeder is breeding for.  European dogs tend to be closer to the original variety of dog - for example, check out the English Labrador retriever, which is a lovely dog compared to the lanky, snipey-nosed Labs you see sometimes in the US.  She may not fit the AKC description, but she probably is full-bred, just "poorly" in the eyes of the AKC.  If in doubt, ask to see her registration papers.

    Visit the AKC description of St. Bernards here:

    And here's Wikipedia's page:

    There are two coat types available - if you live in a warmer climate, go with a dog with less hair - it may make him less miserable in the summer months.

    She is very pretty, and I'd say go for it!

    Good luck with your puppy!

  13. well i just checked the national breed club and there is not listing for any breeder in north carolina I would be leery of buy a dog from anyone not a member of their breed's parent club

    see if there is a local club and if she is a part of that one, but then i wouldn't buy a dog of kijiji anyways

  14. That is one of the worst bred Saints I have seen in a long time.  She is either not completely purebred or just a very poorly bred Saint.  My advice?  Tell you dad to keep looking!  

    And the whole "Euro Saint" talk is nothing but a load of c**p!  

    If you are looking for a reputable Saint breeder do not hesitate to contact me.  

    Here is what a well-bred Saint b*tch should look like: (both are photogrpahs from Nationals)  and

    And here is the difference between well-bred Saints and not so well-bred Saints:

    Thanks Judgerz :)

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