
European fuel protests. Are the protesters wrong?

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Given the escalating cost of fuel and the seemingly insatiable need we have to drive cars, trucks and ships, are the people in Europe who are protesting the rising cost of fuel aiming at the wrong target? Instead of protesting to the supplies of fuel should they not be protesting the suppliers and manufactures of the engines and vehicles and demanding more economical designs?




  1. Neither.  If they've become dependent on a dwindling resource, they have noone to blame but themselves.  I say fire them all and replace them with driverless electric trains.

  2. Television audiences have been indoctrinated for at least two generations with a world view purveyed by fossil fuel interests.  Programs promote a fossil lifestyle and the commercials promote specific products to fit with the fossil lifestyle.  The sponsors of the programming know that every automobile sold is a quantum of future demand for fossil fuels.  Can you blame people for being confused when confronted with a disconnect between their fossil lifestyle dreams and reality?

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