
European studies?

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only do one language at school (french) and I'm only in second year now but this is what I want to do in college (I know its a long way away but I really want to know) that's what i want to do

I'm wondering....If I just do French at school, can I still do it? and how many points do I need in the leaving? thanks x




  1. Im thinking of doing that too ... what part of Ireland do you live in? Im live near Dublin, and I inquired about doing it in trinity, and the points is 530 !!! i really wish you all the best of luck!! Im doing my LC and really hope to get the points ,,,

  2. What an interesting course. I'm sure you can still do it.

  3. haha ur in 2nd year and u know what u wanna do

    im in the middle of my leaving cert this weeek and i dont haha

  4. Hi, you can do the course with just French.  You need English, Irish and a third language which for you will be French.  It's good that you're thinking so far ahead! I was still deciding what to study when filling in the application forms.  I did French too, that looks like a very interesting course and Maynooth is a lovely place too!

  5. This link says it was 355 points in 2007

    The points change from year to year but usally not by alot so it will probably still be around 350.

    You can do it if you only do French because you only need one extra language.

    Thats a requiremt for all college courses (that you have English, Irish and one other language).
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