
Europeans in the Americas before Columbus or Leif Erickson?

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What do you think? It seems the evidence is piling up. The Clovis spear points, Kennewick Man, and the bearded white gods of Meso-America (Con-Tici Viracocha, Quetzalcoatl, Bochica, etc.), to name some of the more well known finds.

There are also the lesser know finds like the Megalithic sites along the Connecticut River in New England. I have been to some of these in Vermont, and I have also seen the ones in Carnac France, and I must say they do appear to have some similarities.

Could this go beyond the Americas? What about the long-ears of Easter Island, the Kon Tiki expedition of Thor Heyerdahl, or the redhead mummies of China?

It appears that there may have been more migrations of humanity then we can confirm. What do you know about all of this?




  1. Really a great question, must confess your knowledge seem much more in depth than mine.

    I have always been more interested in the movement of humans into the western part of the continent. It seems to me that the western part, would have provided a much more attractive environment to settle in.  

    I have always thought that the Mongols, possibly came across the Bering Straights, down through Canada, the U.S., all the way into South America. If, you were to take a picture of all the peoples, from the Eskimo to the Inca, together with Mongols I don't believe you could tell them one from the other.

    The reason I started thinking about this is, we do have some historical information concerning the immigration of the Europeans to the East Coast, but nothing to explain the existence of those we refer to as Native Americans.

    Any feed back you have would interest me. This is great fun to think about.

  2. I would agree that humans have been likely traveling to the new world far more than is believed.  Someone must have come or why would Montezuma be expecting Quetzalcoatl.  We are supposed to ignore that because of some genetics data.  

    There is also some evidence that the same group that arrived in Australia may have made it to the new world far earlier.  They would be more closely related to Africans.  They may have some of their descendants living in Tierra Del Fuego.  It would be useful to have a genetics study done on them but I haven't heard of one yet.

  3. Thor Heyerdahl has been completely refuted by the genetic evidence. I do not see your assertions having much merit. Similarity of structure is nothing but human construction correlation, as it has been shown repeatably. Just to mention one point.

    You need better and fresh evidence.

  4. Haplogroup X is a genetic (Mt DNA) indication that Eurasians were the 1st group to inhabit the Americas. The hypothesis suggests they followed the Atlantic ice pack from Western Europe to the shores of what is now Southern Canada. Anthropologist see this as a challenge to their long cherished "Land Bridge" Beringa hypothesis & are typically narrowed minded about that.  

    Because those that migrated along shore lines left their evidence under 60 to 100 meters of water... we have very little evidence on North American migration.  Thus, Haplogroup X may have migrated accross the land bridge too, but evidence is just not there & they left no evidence that they were ever in East Asia.  However haplogroup X is represented in Western Europe & the Eastern parts of North America... plus the North Eastern part of South America.

    Chuckle... ask the "land bridge" crew about the 14,000 yr old Andes fossiles of modern humans. (Monte Verde if memory serves me right.)


    Rodrick, completely misinterprets the DNA data, for obvious reasons. We all know haplogroup X is mainly found in Northern Europe & is the founder of haplogroup H... a major European haplogroup.  Why this obvious dislike of Europeans would affect so many to the degree that they'd outright lie is beyond me? The total absence of haplogroup X in Eastern Asia, allows only the likelyhood that this group migrated all the way accross Asia, without leaving a trace of this haplogroup along the way to Beringa or the West Coast.

    Chuckle... in the final analysis of DNA, we are all Africans.

    On a personal note, I am haplogroup H & have the epicanthic fold to go with my blue eyes, but my son is Native American (adopted) & has no sign of the epicanthic fold to go with his brown eyes.

  5. Yea Thor was disaproven because of Genetics. But there seems to be know evidence of prehistoric Europeans in the Americas.

       The white gods are a coincidence. Obviously white was a colour associated with power.

        Megalithic sites could look the same because there's only so much you can do with stone.

    Haplogroup X is found among the Finns and Saami who migrated from the Urals. Before their migration they weren't European by any means

      Easter Island is Polynesian not Amerindian, THor Heyerdahl was wrong and the red head mummies of China are Indo European pastoralists.

          You see the mitochondrial haplogroups point to all Native Peoples having Siberian ancestry except the coastal ones who posess ancestry in present day China, and the ones who's ancestors lived near the Urals.

  6. Yes, the migration over the land bridge of the forefathers of our modern native Americans is recent. There were cultures of humans here way before, and they are finding clues that they were as intelligent as we are today. It's really fascinating!

  7. The building of pyramids in South America and Egypt is a good example of possible contact between cultures in ancient times. There was even evidence that Phoenicians (ancient Lebanese) smoked marijuana and tobacco of an American variety. This means there was trade contact. There is evidence of an African presence in some areas of South America in ancient times (giant statues with African features).

    I don't know why we are so surprised by this. There has been so much uncovered about ancient technology. The ancients were not as primitive as we may think. I saw a documentary once that showed the advanced civilization of Rome. Not just their beautiful architecture that we are so use to, but also hot and cold running water, flushing toilets, everything.

    And we know that India has had flushing toilets, H/C running water, and city gridlines and the like for thousands of years.

    And look how advanced the Egyptians were in their architecture which means by default, their engineering capabilites.

    Humans have always been humans, forever endeavoring to improve their lot in life.

  8. Some have said Christ appeared to the Mayans...don't believe every bonehead thing you read.

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