
Euros only in Republic of Ireland?

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My daughter is traveling to Ireland and the UK this summer and her chaperones have stated that she can use pound Sterling in both places. The itinerary is for the Republic of Ireland and I thought they were using the Euro now, not pounds.

Can anyone clarify this? Will she be okay traveling with only pound Sterling or should we send her with some Euro as well?




  1. She will need Euros but she can exchange her pounds at any bank, building society or credit union in ireland you can look up the best exchange rate for her before she leaves.

  2. No she would need Euro here, I havent seen a single place accept pound in years. In Northern Ireland she can use pounds tho.

  3. She'll need Euro for the Republic of Ireland and pounds for the UK and Northern Ireland. The 6 counties of N. Ireland are





    Derry (Londonderry)


    If she's in any of these counties she'll need pounds!

    I've been to the UK and Ireland and I think your daughter will have a wonderful time. It's gorgeous and the people are great!! Give her best wishes for me! :)


  4. She'll need euro as well.  Sterling isn't accepted in the republic, except for places close to Northern Ireland.

  5. No, she'll need Euros.

  6. She will need Euro for Ireland, apart from Northern Ireland which still use sterling pounds like England.

  7. her chaperones are completely incorrect

    in the Republic of Ireland she will need Euros(€)

    and in the united kingdom she will need pound sterling(£)

    tell the rest of the group if any are going because they won't be bale to use pounds sterling here in the republic of ireland

  8. in the UK, she will need pounds but in Ireland she will need Euros, so you will have to give her both Euro's and Pounds, but if she's gonna be in Northern  Ireland, then pounds are alright.

  9. Depends where she's going.Here in Donegal they'll take Pound Sterling in shops etc and give you the exchange rate.Not sure if it's the same in the rest of the country.

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