
Eurotunnel have competed with planes and ferries. What are the effects of this competition?

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Will the boats and planes survive or stop operating on the routes?




  1. They haven't stopped, although flights between Paris and London and Brussels and London have reduced in number and some ferry services have reduced.  There are still plenty flying who fly to Paris or London to connect for flights going further (e.g. USA).  The ferries offer cheaper alternatives for budget travellers and people with cars, and for trucks that are not on time sensitive trips.  Also the ferries connect various different ports between the UK and Europe that are more direct than using Eurotunnel and then rail or road.

    However, having said this, Eurotunnel dominates the passenger market between London and Paris/Brussels.  Remember though that this is hardly a commercial operation, the rail upgrades either side of Eurotunnel are heavily subsidised.

  2. Not everybody has a car or wants to drive their car!

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