
Euthanasia qupte?

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what does this mean

"And can a man his own quietus make

With a bare bodkin?

With daggers, bodkins, bullets, man can make

a bruise or break of exit for his life,

but is that a quietus, tell me, is it quietus?

Surely not so! for how could murder

even self murder,

ever a quietus make?

O let us talk of quiet that we know,

that we can know, the deep and lovely quiet

of a strong heart at peace!"




  1. That is a very deep one. I think that I would not have a quick response to this. Are there any more verses? I suppose the forst feeling I get is someone in a state of utter frustration & almost sarcasticly thinking it would be alot easier to do-deal with this if I were dead. I feel like its only a 1/2 hearted stab at suicide inuendo. the author comes to his right mind & ends with saying -Oh let us talk of quiet that we know- soliace? A strong heart at peace is still alive. A dead one dosent know the difference.

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