
Evaluate American foreign policy in the Middle East.

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Evaluate American foreign policy in the Middle East.




  1. Totally Disastrous!!!

  2. I live in the US, and ill tell you, everyone here hates the president and his government just as much as everyone else in the world. The policy for the middle east was simple, invade Iraq, set up a successful democracy, and it will spread all over the middle east. So far, I don't Iraq is still struggling with its own democracy. And as Bush said, "If your not with me your against me", well that doctrine is the worst piece of **** of a policy i've ever heard. I would say the most successful US influence in the middle east is not government, its coke.

  3. 1.  Protect America's national interest in a steady, uninterrupted supply of foreign oil to help meet America's oil addiction.  

    2.  Provide unconditional support to Israel with money and the UN Veto to ensure incumbent re-election in the US.

    3.  Send a useless diplomatic mission to Israel once a year to talk to Israeli and Palestinian leaders about a two state solution.

    4.  Pay lip service to democratic ideals while supporting totalitarian regimes with horrendous human rights records and a history of supporting and fostering international terrorism.

    Policy goals 1-4 are going very well for the proponents and beneficiaries of those measures.  


  4. That's easy... THERE ISN'T ANY... and there hasn't been any since BUSH has been President... The foreign policy of AmeriKa is just as big a JOKE as their President.

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