
Evaluating Obama's promise?

by Guest64193  |  earlier

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*Serious, well thought out answers only!* Before deciding to either accept or reject change, we need to weigh in on its consequences. I'm referring to the "change" he wants to bring in. What does this change require of us, and what would be positive/negative results?




  1. That is part of the problem I don't know what this change is.

  2. I base my answer on history, economic philosophy, and my own experience, and perhaps most importantly, my observation of the pulse of the country.

    I reject "change" when it comes from either a Republican or Democrat.  Republicans and Democrats have been alternating in office since the election of 1860.  What new ideas could they possibly have which would bring about a renewal and rejuvenation of the US?  Most, if not, all ideas propagated by Republicans and Democrats involve government intervention, either at the micro or macro-level--period.  

    I reject Obama's concept of 'change' because it involves government solving problems that individuals could solve themselves if left alone.  I reject McCain's concept of change for the very same reason.

    Decisions do have consequences--seen and unseen.  It is the unseen consequences of decisions which politicians do not see because they are short-sighted, pandering to special interest groups fighting for a small piece of the American pie.

    Democrats and Republicans offer change, but once in power continue the policies of the previous administration.  Real change, requires revolutionary thinking.  We have become a nation of passive, pleasure seeking, entitlement bound people.  

    For example, Obama wants to withdraw troops from Iraq, but what about troops from Afghanistan, Europe, Korea, and Japan?  Why do we still have to have over 100 military bases around the world?  Wouldn't it make sense to just close all US military bases outside the US and withdraw all troops outside the US?  What are the possible consequences of this?  Some possible consequences are saving of money in the federal budget, and the saving of lives.  But, Obama has no desire to close or withdraw anywhere else but from Iraq.  This is not change, but maintaining the status quo--a conservative policy.  

    Let's take the economy as another example.  Inflation and the Fed manipulation of the interest rates.  Does Obama desire to continue or actually abolish the Fed?  It seems he wishes to continue the printing of fiat currency (which is not backed by a comodity such as gold, silver, copper, platinum, etc.), and the manipulation of interest rates (they are below where they should actually be).  The real root of the problem is government itself.

    The tendency of government, once in charge of money, is to inflate and to destroy the value of the currency. To understand this truth, we must examine the nature of government and of the creation of money. Throughout history, governments have been chronically short of revenue. The reason should be clear: unlike you and me, governments do not produce useful goods and services that they can sell on the market; governments, rather than producing and selling services, live parasitically off the market and off society. Unlike every other person and institution in society, government obtains its revenue from coercion, from taxation.

    Obama wants to continue this macro-economic policy of fiscal spending, increasing/decreasing the monetary supply, and the manipulation of interest rates.  

    Inflation, credit expansion, business cycles, heavy government debt, and high taxes are not, inevitable attributes of capitalism or of "modernization." On the contrary, these are policies of the interventionist State.

    What is radical and revolutionary would be a reestablishment of 100% commodity based monetary system.

    So, the change Obama wants is not really change at all.  It is more of the same.  A continued American interventionist foreign policy, continued devaluation of the dollar and inflation, tax increases, and continuation of the Patriot Act (which Obama voted for!).

  3. Comrade Obama has not elaborated on how he intends to "change" things.  All he has threatend to do is raise taxes, increase the socialist, communist, Marxist, collectivist programs of the federal governemnt and ruin our health care industry.  He has never provided any reference or the Constitutional authrity for any of these "changes", all of which will make life worse for everyone.  We would see higher taxes, higher unemployment, and more governmental inteference in our lives.

  4. He will want everything including your soul. In a commencement speech at Wesleyan University this year he said " You can take your diploma, walk off this stage and chase only after the big house and the nice suits and all the other things that our money culture says you should. But I hope you don't". He went on to say "fulfilling your immediate wants and needs betrays a poverty of ambition" and " our collective service can shape the destiny of this generation. Individual salvation depends on collective salvation". In a speech in California, Mrs Obama said " he will require you to work. He is going to demand that you shed your cynicism, that you come out of your isolation, that you move out of your comfort zone... Barrack Obama will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual... uninvolved, uninformed'". When she says he will require or demand, it sounds like a dictator to me.

  5. everyones life changes each day  change is just buzz word for regular democratic, liberal values if this is what u want go for it but don't complain after u get it

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