
Evan Grant says Josh Hamilton deserves long-term deal.

by  |  11 years, 2 month(s) ago

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Evan Grant says Josh Hamilton deserves long-term deal. Can someone tell me the details?




  1. If you want to find them, there are all sorts of reasons to think negotiating a long-term contract with Josh Hamilton became an even more difficult obstacle course Tuesday. You already know this: He owns a rather, um, distinctive back story, what with the substance abuse and the triumphant comeback and all. His talent is limitless, and it's hard to put a price tag on that. On the other hand, at age 29 – he will be 30 in May – he's older than most players in his class of service time (entering his second year of arbitration eligibility). It's hard to predict how many games he'll play: less than 90 like the odd-numbered years or more than 130 like in the even numbers?

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