
Evander Holyfield Vs. Roy Jones jr.?

by Guest60482  |  earlier

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Im talking the prime Evander, say 1990 vs. the prime Roy who beat Ruiz or even an earlier RJJ. At a catchweight of 195 for this fight. I think it would be too tough to call and both are all time greats. Holyfield's pressure style, underrated power and heart against Jones' speed, power and style.




  1. You know Aceman I would have to give this one to Jones Jr. by a close decision. I figure Jones would study Holyfield and look to counter punch him for the early rounds before opening up with small burst of combos. Holyfield's defense was questionable, but so was Jones Jr.'s defense as well. Jones had speed and quick reflexes, and would give Holyfield fits with footwork. Hey this fight almost happened, but Holyfield was past his prime at  that time.

  2. This is a tough question.  If Holyfield would have been able to bully Jones to the ropes, then he may have been able to win.  In Jones' fight with Ruiz, John had his best moments when he backed Jones up and put him on the ropes, but Jones' athleticism was too much for him.  Lets not forget that a prime Holyfield was WAY better than a prime Ruiz (when they had their trilogy, Evander was well past his prime).  At 168, and 175 pounds, I think the only person who could have beaten a prime Jones was Archie Moore, but at 195 pounds, I think that a prime Holyfield would show his grit and do his best to put Jones on the ropes and not let Roy outbox him in the center of the ring.  It would be close, but I would take Holyfield by a hard-fought and well-earned decision.

  3. IMO, Holyfield better handled his natural 195 lb. weight and with the added weight, punch and tenacity,would prevail.

  4. Alright, take a 1996 version of RJ bulked up at like 190, this wouldn't be close.  Remember how Evander dealt with James Toney's superior hand speed when Toney was fat and over the hill - now multiply that by 100.

    Holyfield was a pressure fighter, but the pressure was created by his superior speed with his feet and hands against bigger, slower fighters...Roy would make Holyfield look like a statue, he would have him off balance and recovering from quick lead rights and left hooks the whole fight.  

    Holyfield never adjusted well during a fight, and no one was ever able prepare for Roy's awkward style and speed - Holyfield may pin him against the ropes once or twice late in the fight and steal a round or two, but by the time he catches up with him the fight will be over.

  5. I think I may have to give the win to Jones by an ugly split decision.... possibly a split draw. Jones in his prime was very difficult to hit, due to his speed. Holyfield would definitely be the aggressor in the fight, while Jones would try to score hit and run shots from the outside, playing it very safe. Holyfield would have his moments on the inside, which would make for difficult rounds to score.

  6. Roy would stick & move & hold when Evander would get in close. Roy would hit him easily with lead right hands. Evanders trainer for years left him because he said if a man cant stop a constant lead right hand then he has no reaction time. Many have questioned Roy's chin he got hit clean by Tarver & any light-heavyweight would have been KO'd by that shot. Roy by an easy decision!!

  7. Holyfield KO 6th round

    Yes Jones has the speed but he would not have holyfield in any serious trouble throughout the fight. Jones fought Ruiz which was a great accomplishment but not that great at the same time. Holyfield will pressure and pressure and wear jones down. We all know what happens when jones gets pressured and his chin gets rocked.......SLEEPY TIME

  8. Roy Jones by close unanimous decision.

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