
Evangelicals, does Palin becoming the VP nominee affect your vote?

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I'm curious how Palins daughter's pregnancy effects the evangelical vote. Understand please that I am NOT attacking Palin or her daughter, I'm just curious if this "hitch" will affect the evangelical vote.

I don't want to make assumptions, but I would think that some evangelicals would feel that the teens pregnancy would play negatively in Palin's corner. It would somehow show a lack of family values.

I also wonder how the ultra evangelicals who believe that women should not work outside the home feel about the VP choice(or anyone who believes this), does this affect your vote?

I am not attacking anyones beliefs or their candidate, I am simply asking a question.





  1. yes i hope it will

  2. PAUL addressed women in position of power just as he addressed homosexuals . Sarah a full member of the assembley of GOD church would know this  . //  sarah palin belongs to THE ASSEMBLY  OF GOD  a super fundamentalist chain of churches that believes the bible almost word for word . They wave hands and speak in tongues every sunday for a few hours but also meet during the week for gatherings that are infused with bible teachings and prayer and more speaking in tongues. it is pretty scary if you have never experienced it before , i spent a few years as a kid in one of these churches .

  3. well asked question...

    i see it like this- i'd prefer her to support her daughter and her choice to keep the baby than what obama said about his daughters, how he would hate for his daughters to have to pay for the rest of their lives with a kid because of a silly mistake.

    clearly she is being a responsible mom and helping her daughter out and respecting her decisoin.

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