
Evangelicals adopting the issue of Global Warming, does this not prove that it is bull?

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Pat Robertson has just filmed a commercial in which he says that he and the Rev. Al Sharpton both feel the same about one issue, Global Warming. Considering the other stupid ideas that evangelicals promote, does this not prove that Global Warming is BS?




  1. Al Sharpton is hardly an Evangeical, but yes, Pat Robertson, the Southern Baptists Conference and the other Evangelicals were DENIER/skeptics up until last year, when apparently their instinct for self preservation got the better of their greed.  The thing that fascinates me about you people is your logic.  How is it that the support of the Evangelicals for AGW now is proof that it is BS, but their support for the DENIER/skeptics peculiar agenda up until recently doesn't prove that to be BS?  If we are to believe that the support of the Evangelicals discredits whatever it is attached to, haven't they discredited you far more than me (since they supported you from 2000 until just now)?

  2. Evangelicals also accepted that the earth revolves around the sun, so what.  That proves nothing one way or another.

    The only opinion that has any weight on the subject of long-term climate change, is that of climate scientists. And they overwhelmingly agree that global warming is happening and humans are responsible for most of the recent warming.

  3. You are simply trying to bury your head in the sand here.  Think logically, how can our planet sustain itself with the population we have, and the habits we have formed.  Forest areas are fast being depleted so housing estates and cities can be formed.  It isn't a matter of trying to prove it is happening, it is about using your brains and thinking of how the planet can cope as a whole.  We mine all the minerals we can find, what does that do to the core of the planet?  We use a lot of materials that cannot break down, and don't recycle enough, what does this do to the planet, the rubbish needs to be put somewhere?  We clear vast areas of vegetation so we can have houses to live in, what effect does the lack of vegetation, including all living things in it have on the planet?

    Simply thinking of the bigger picture brings a rather scary look at the planet, but if we each do the little things we can do, we will all make a difference.  The sooner we all do that, the sooner we can make a difference.  And even if you are still burying your head, doesn't it make sense to reuse, recycle and think about your habits anyways.

  4. No. It doesn't prove global warming is real.

  5. Global Warming is real. You can look up global warming and many Scientists opinions will come up, and more then half sya it is real. The others just haven't come to the facts yet.

  6. The only peoples opinions you should worry about are scientists-- and They know its real.

  7. no.

    Evangelicals support many things. i know of a few that believe in gravity is that wrong?

    BEYOND THE IVORY TOWER: The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change -- Oreskes 306 (5702): 1686 -- Science

    Polished predictions : article : Nature Reports Climate Change


    Eugenics is based on biology and selective breeding, there is nothing wrong about the science of Eugenics other then that its deeply immoral.

    Alchemy was popular with "scientists". it was called the dark age for a reason. and no Alchemy is not science. Newton was also a Christen is that a science?

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