
Even Though She Lives In A Different Town, Should I Still Date Her?

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Heres the thing, I know this girl. She is like the most amazing girl ever people. I don't know what to do really, Coz she lives in a different place to me. Would it be stupid to go out with this girl. coz i don't know. And i don't know what she thinks ivor.

Help me please.




  1. I just found out My girlfriend of two and a half years has to move to Daytona Beach. She is my perfect match My heart says try to make it work. but my brain tells me different. So I can relate to your issue  

  2. if you want to do what is right for you kk

  3. go for it , see what happens

  4. Go ahead your burning for her. When the flame dies you can leave.

  5. aw, how cute, long distant relationships. If she is worth it, and she really likes you, and you know that you will see her again, or that she will always talk to you till you guys are through, then go for it. But, I tried that, and thought that I would be able to, I couldn't keep up, now I'm in love with this guy, that, I know I'll never see again. So think about, really hard, because, you need to make the decision for your own.

  6. If one of you has a car, then go for it.

  7. If you like her, I don't think it would be weird to date her just b/c she lives in a different town.  Ask her.  What do you have to lose?

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