
Even before you get a positive result, how did you know you were pregnant, personally?

by  |  earlier

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is it morning sickness, or a missed period, or how did you suspect you were pregnant? (I'm looking for personal experiences here.)




  1. i felt nauseous about 2 weeks before i found out i was...

  2. it was definatley the b***s, they hurt so much that i couldnt move without crying out in pain....that and I could suddenly smell everything!! I could smell a honey suckle plant from a block away

  3. with my 2nd baby, i knew i was pregnant before i was due on.... and i was on the pill!!

    Its really hard to explain how i knew. I think because my daughter was only 6 months old when i fell pregnant again, the pregnancy feeling was still fresh in my mind. I could feel it.. motherly instincts i guess! i knew there was something in there. the 1st test came neg, but i still didnt believe it. the 2nd was positive... and now i have a little boy!!

  4. my b***s hurt alot,even putting on my bra hurt..i swear it started hurting the minute the sperm met egg :-)

  5. i got the symptoms... sore b***s, peeing alot, tiredness,  

  6. i had a metalic taste in my mouth and a missed period haha  

  7. was really weird actually i new i was pregnant on new years eve 2002 me and my friend always used to drink tequila shots about 5 of them one after the other. that night i drunk one and i was sick like i never been sick before. i knew that wasnt me. plus i was getting tender b*****s then too. this all happened before i had a missed period. so i did a test before my missed period and there u go it was positive.

    sometimes you just know your pregnant!  

  8. my other half started getting morning sickness symptoms, was weird and told me i was pregnant.

    Was like it with his two other children too

  9. I had absolutely no idea and was completely stunned.  We had been TTC and using fertility drugs for a year beforehand.  I was required to take a pregnancy test every month because of the drugs they had me taking (progesterone on days 16-30), so I took a test even though I was 100% sure I was not pregnant.  I was *shocked* to see the positive test.

    (Interestingly, of all the months I've had to take that test, this was the ONLY time that I was sure I wasn't pregnant.  The rest of the times, I had thought I might be pregnant because my b***s were really sore.   But it was just PMS.)    

  10. I just had a feeling and felt very hungry all of a sudden.

  11. My b***s looked a bit firmer and slightly larger, then I started to get really really tired - just walking across the backyard was exhausting!!  I figured something was up, and did the test.... :-)

  12. When you have unprotected s*x the s***n just seems to disappear, when you are pregnant it all dribbles back out again! Thats how I knew I was pregnant before missing a period.

  13. when i fell pregnant with my first child, i got really spotty and my hormones and emotions were all over the place. That was before i even missed my period.With my son, i had a metallic taste in my mouth and my b***s were really tender.I also had morning sickness really early into the pregnancy.

  14. When we were trying for my younger son, I knew i was preg a week before my period was due, I felt 'different' and a little bit spacey, also was thirsy a lot and had sore b***s. Did a pregnancy test 2 days before due period, positive result, but I would have been shocked at a neg.  Healthy baby a while later.  Being preg for the 2nd time (or more!) you know your own signs of pregnancy.  

  15. I all of a sudden had to drink a pint of milk every day on my work break.

  16. Really sensitive nipples, like never before!!

  17. With my son (9) i didnt know till i was well past 6 months! So with my daughter (8months) i didnt know what to look for, but i just knew. I felt it from the beggining, a change like a calmness, weird i know but my doctor confirmed my pregnancy at 1wk and 5 days and said i was the first person he knew of that knew that early on.  

  18. I had very sore b***s too - I wanted to smash my husband round the head with the bedside lamp as soon as he went near them. My nausea didn't kick in till about 6 weeks, but boy, when it did....bbblllleeeuuurrrggghhh....

  19. With my first (son 3) I had the worst case of morning sickness, which I initially thought was a stomach virus. With my current pregnancy (5 weeks) I just felt different. I had sore b***s, really light menses, and my stomach was so bloated. I also noticed that the line on my stomach darkened up and I had a strange craving for shrimps. After the first one I think your body just starts to recognize the signs.

  20. My partner knew I was pregnant well before I did. I only took a test to prove I wasn't pregnant!

    I was really emotional and kept throwing tantrums. I actually 'felt' pregnant once my nipples felt like someone was poking them with flaming needles.

  21. Well with my first i just felt different and everytime i had a drink of alcohol i was sick. With 2nd i had not long had my first (10wks) and knew because i just never got a period after all the bleeding you do after having baby. This time i tested after my period was a week late.  

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