
Even filed bankruptcy? embarrasing?

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Hi. I've just filed for bankruptcy and have been approved.

I haven't told ANYone I know...I'm worried if my loved one's find out because I'll be so embarrassed. How have you felt after filing bankruptcy?? Thanks!!




  1. Naw, don't worry bout it. you might feel guilty for a while but it will go away. After all, its there fault for giving you credit in the 1st place.

  2. You won't be able to hide it from them forever.

    What you can do is be smarter and more responsible.

    Start by getting a secured credit card to rebuild your credit.

    Soon you'll be able to get real credit cards again.  Be responsible this time around.

  3. To be honest with you, both of my brothers have filed bankruptcy and I didn't know it for years afterwards. My oldest brother, I didn't know about his for about 10 years and my younger brother's I found out by accident when my nephew told me his Mom and Dad were going to rob a bank because he thought that's what bankruptcy was! You are taking responsibility for your own actions and your bankruptcy will not reflect on them anyway. You are starting over -- smarter, hopefully wiser and less stress. I'm not saying be flip about it, but if they love you a bankruptcy isn't going to really matter to them. Good luck to you!!

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