...can I still remove my name from the birth certificate?
I had a one night stand some time ago with a girl who said she was on the pill. A while later she said she may have forgotton to take a few of them and that she was pregnant. After months of hurt and abuse because I begged her not to go ahead with it as we were strangers the baby was born. There is a chance the baby isnt mine as a paternity test was never taken but despite this, after the baby was born I didnt want the girl to struggle. She said she needed me to sign the birth certificate so she could claim her benefits, but told me after if I didnt see the child she'd slam me for CSA. I feel 1. Seriously robbed of starting a family the way I wanted to and 2. Completely trapped financially and emotionally. Because I stuck to my guns about not being a part of the childs life she keeps threatening me with CSA, despite me paying her a privately agreed sum every month. CSA is Something I know I just cannot afford.
Is there any way you can remove your name off the birth certificate regardless of the fact you are or arent the father???