
Even if Obama is a muslim, so what?

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whats the big deal. even if he were a muslim, whats the difference. we are multicultural now.




  1. Who attacked our country? ....Muslims

    Who are we at war with? ....Muslims

    The list can go on, and on, and on, and on ....

    OMG Rob, my fiance and I say the EXACT same thing!  That's hilarous.

  2. The most pathetic part is that people were reading that email and basing their vote on an eamil that acme from an unknown source with unverified information.

    At one time the irish and catholics were considered the scourge of the earth. And it wasn't muslims that attacked us, it was Al Quaeda. It's amazing how uneducated people are.

    Japan attacked us at one time, so shouldn't we have something against Buddhists?

  3. well, you see, many Christians of this country believe that leaders are only reliable if they have the hand of god upon them, if Obama is Muslim, he's not saved, and that makes him "not devout"

    silly isn't it. a criminal or crook can run the country easily as long as the goes to church every Sunday

  4. hes gonna get assassinated if he wins

  5. i think there is no diffrence betwee anybody :]

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  7. We should not be. It is why our society is falling apart.

    Cultural diversity is BS!

  8. Peolpe are ignorant and naive

  9. Rob, your comment on assassination is not well taken.

  10. Just where DO you live my friend?


  11. The big deal is that every president we've had has been white and christian, hold for one catholic.

    Not that it should matter, but it really does.

  12. There isn't any difference. You figured that out. The rest of the foolish comments on here show one thing: some people are still way behind the times and are living in the past.

    BTW: As Obama is not a Muslim, this is strictly a rhetorical question - did you notice how many people didn't get that?

  13. Well, america would perfer a president who is 100% AMERICAN. I mean, would Iraq allow an American dictator/president/ruler w/e...?

  14. Obama is NOT muslim! (i know the questioner knew that, but just for clarification)

    And it's ridiculous how people are using that to scare others- it should NOT matter. Yes, Muslims have been known to attack the U.S., but so have people of every religion, so you can't just group all muslims and say they're ALL bad!

    I can't believe some people still think he is, and I also can't believe it even matters. Sad, sad world we're still living in...

  15. Even if we are multicultural there are still racist people who would refuse to vote for him because he is Muslim.  This is why Hilary Clinton spread the lie.

  16. He's not a Muslim.  But you already knew that.

  17. Muslim's are the ones who want to kill us American's, because some of us don't believe what they believe. Whether Obama is Muslim or not he's for abortion so I don't support him.

  18. obama isnt bad but everyone likes christian or kathelik(spelling lol) presidents and no he`s not gonna assasinate if anything he`s gonna make hilary clinton be vp and she will assasinate him!

  19. He's not a muslim.  People in this country have been brainwashed to think that Muslims attached our country on 9/11.  It was not muslims, it was muslim extremists.  

    Think about it this way, in our country "christians" attacked blacks (kkk) and bombed abortion clinics.  Why are we not afraid of christians?  It's because we know that they are extremists, not representative of the whole religion.  It's pure hate for us to think that all muslims are like those that attacked us.

  20. I dont want to go see ala or a thousand virgins

  21. muslims helps muslims. iraq=muslims, all countries exet the communists, who hate the usa are all muslims so, what's up if obama help the muslims? bye bye u.s.a, that's all...

  22. 9/ 11 THATS SO WHAT.... NEVER FORGET -9/11   !!!!!!!!

  23. is he really?

  24. The End is Near folks!!!! And without a doubt, unless the bullets bounce off of him, Barack Hussein Obama will be assassinated if he actually gets elected. In an attempt to save his life I will absolutely vote against the Evil Power, Hussein- Obama.  Look up his church, It's very Muslim. And it is Muslims who have waged a holy war against Christians, Jews, and Capitalism.  According to Islam, "Once a Muslim, always a Muslim."  Hussein- Obama will side with them, all the way to judgement day.

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