
Even if global warming isnt real why not care about our resources and our land fills!?

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All you guys keep saying things like "Let us throw our bottles in the regular trash can" and c**p like that. I'm just wondering why so many of you think that not re-using reusable resources is ok? Our land fills are still growing smaller, and our resources are dwindling as well. Those of you out there that don't recycle just F***'n p**s me off, why do you think you can be so selfish?




  1. Selfish?  Hardly.  Why don't you look at the big picture?  How much energy does it take to recycle a bottle?  Who benefits?  How much land is available for landfills?  How long does it take for the average landfill to recycle itself?  Why not.. just get rid of the bottles?  Don't buy them.  Buy a water filter.  Buy beer from a tap.  

    Why?  Because you get so "F***'n p**s"ed off about it all!  Don't you see the problem here?  Do what you think is necessary for yourself, let everyone be their own person.  Stop trying to change everyone!  And for goodness sakes, stop getting so pissed off!  

    When you get a little older and wiser to the ways of the world, you will see a bigger picture, hopefully.  Right now, you are just another evangelist.  Name a cause, evangelists are all the same.  Nothing but tunnel vision.

    The more you push people while in that state of mind, the more they push back.  Ever taken a debate class?

    If we took your attitude towards "Global Warming" with every single issue.. why not just be "careful" out there... where would that leave us?  We would all be living in little bubbles, afraid of our own shadow.  h**l, Y2K was more of a threat, and at least there was a date associated with it.  What did all the panic and fear bring?  NOTHING!

    In a few days we could all disappear because a star in our galaxy went nova over 800 years ago and sent a gama ray burst heading directly towards earth.  A force so powerful it is second only to the big bang itself.  SO WHAT!

    Why do people think they can control nature?  Why do you think your puny little fly life in this great expanse of the Earth is so important that you understand the mysteries of the universe?  

    People find a way.  So will nature.  Enjoy life while you have it.

  2. Amen again..  I totally hear you!   Another part of the argument I use against them is this..  Say Global Warming isn't real and its a hoax?  Why would you want to gamble on the very resource that brings you life and sustains you?  You owe your life to this planet..   I agree with you and I recycle everything I can.   How about this water thing going on with prescription drugs in the water - that big news!

  3. amen to that!

    the world (esspecially my home country, the U.S cough cough) need to really get there buts in gear you know? we have the resources to illiminate much co2 emissions, much waste, and reuse many items. once it becomes a "in your face problem" people will...but then it will be a bit late :(

  4. Recycling is symbolic but ultimately wasteful exercise that needs to subsidized by the government in many cases. In some cases, recycling products will use more energy and resources than throwing it away and creating a new one from the raw materials.

    That said I recycle everything I can because I believe it is a good habit to get into and that it will eventually be cost effective. I am simply pointing out that the scientific and economic justification for recycling is not as strong as one would think.

  5. ,Cheffy D' is correct. You are far too young and naive.

    I can still remember when I was 'young and stupid', and accepted everything that I was told as having to be true, especially if I wanted to believe it.

    I was also quite proud to pass on the lies and mis-truths because I believed what I wanted to believe without any evidence to support my convictions.

    I have now lived through at least 6 ' End of the World' prophesies and I'm still here!(Although a bit worse for wear.)

    I did have many reasons to be upset however with humans abusing the environment and resources around them.

    The amount of litter not only in city streets, but left by campers and backpackers out in the forest and woodlands really would wind me up big time.

    I began carrying an old pillow case with me whenever I went for a hike out in the forest trails just to bring back all of the rubbish that other mindless fools left behind. Quite often I would have my pillow case filled within an hour!

    I have recycled all of my adult life, not to 'save the planet', but because I detest waste of any kind, and because I know that it takes less energy to melt down existing elements like iron and aluminum that to extract it from the original ores.

    So I do applaud you, and people like you who do their best to recycle, however the fact is that even if everyone recycled, it would have absolutely NO impact on 'Global Warming'.

    I would also challenge anybody to beat my recycling record of only 3 plastic garbage bags going to landfill in 3 years!

    I actually go to the extreme of taking old light bulbs and separating the metal base from the globe and smashing the glass into a large glass jar and when the jar is full of the broken glass, it goes down for recycling with everything else.

    This sometimes drives my wife crazy, but she accepts it.

    Don't just accept things as being fact just because you saw it on the TV or found it on the internet. Sort through the BS, learn a little science and start taking control of your life, rather than following those misguided and deceptive people, simply  because you want to believe it.

    These people (Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, Al Gore, etc...), are only there to 'make money, satisfy their already inflated egos and rip you off!

    You can not argue with proper science because it is backed up by facts and not gut feelings, arrogance, or deception.

  6. One, because they are not bothered to do anything for the environment.

    Two, because they just do it deliberately to annoy environmentalists on Yahoo Answers or elsewhere, and normally they are also of number one reason.

    Three, they have the will, but the body is weak. They might want to help, but in the end, decide that it is too much of a matter and become reason 1)

  7. I no longer buy into the AGW theory. But I do believe we should all try not to trash the place we live in.

    Pierce, cough, cough, needs to get out and about more if he thinks the air is bad here. Once you do some world traveling, you'll find the air in the U.S. is a lot cleaner than most places. It's because we can afford to pass environmental legislation to clean things up, where other poorer countries can not. The fate of the planet does not rest on the shoulders of the U.S. as they would like you to believe. The U.S. E.P.A. passing new legislation is not going to "save the planet."

    Paris is a sewer, China has the worst air pollution on the planet, Mexico City is probably the most polluted city on our continent.

  8. i know! i hate it when people dont care about global warming.its our planet thats gonna be destroyed and this doesnt mean anything to them. its really easy to do something for global warming but everybody just wants to be lazy. I live in Turkey and i turned off the lights for Earth Hour but everyone else was watching a stupid soccer match

  9. "Even if global warming isn't real", it ISN'T real. And we do take care of our resources and landfills. Hopefully we will find a way to get rid of all the pollution.

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