
Even if some of us don't believe in Global Warming, can't we all still respect and treat our Earth healthy? :]

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We all need to be respectful and not a bunch of idiots.




  1. We should all avoid the release of poisonous or other harmful substances into the environment that would either directly or indirectly harm others.

    But as far as showing "respect" to a large sphere of silicon and carbon orbiting around a larger sphere of hot hydrogen, that should be left up to the individual in accordance with the First Amendment's guarantees of religious freedom.

  2. Yes, absolutely!  The better we treat the earth, the better off we'll all be.  But there are limits...for example, suggesting that we battle global warming on an all out front that would apparently cost in the tens of trillions of dollars is foolishness in my opinion.  The evidence supporting actual global warming is skimpy and weak.  There's no reason to spend money on it when it could be better spent on so many other urgent things.

    I don't support global warming, the whole idea is kind of ludicrous really.  But to think that anyone who doesn't support global warming also doesn't respect the Earth is wrong, which is the way your question is worded.

  3. Absolutely! Please don't let us get the issues mixed.

    I am an AGW skeptic, but I'm also an active conservationist. I utterly detest pollution in all it's manifestations along with the careless damage we do to other sentient life on the planet.

    Just becaues I'm skeptical about Anthropogenic CO2 causing catastrophic climate change doesn't mean I don't care about the place I live and take care to look after it.

    Whilst writing I might just also add, that up until this post I've never used the terms "Conspiracy", "Leftist", "Al Gore", "Hansen", "Hoax", "Scam" or even "Consensus"... None of these adds value to the discussion..

    It is the duty of everyone to try to preserve the 'nature' around us that we all so much cherish... regardless of which side of this particular discussion they fall.

  4. Yes, I agree. Everyone should still respect and treat the Earth as if it were to be gone tomorrow. Cause this MAY happen sooner than we think. The more spaceships that go up and all is what is Contributing to this. Please read the book of Revelations in the KJV Bible.?

  5. At last clarity!Yes.

  6. I already do.  But I agree and that's why I'm against scams such as ethanol (deforestation, GMOs), land confiscation of acres if land for wind turbines that won't give us more energy chops up a lot of birds (wildlife), CFLs (more non-biodegradable oil-using plastics and mercury that doesn't need to be in landfills), and many other really bad ideas.

  7. yes!

  8. I think we have been doing that for at least 30 years.  I know in my home town we built a recycling center (as did all the towns around us) at least 30 years go.  I don't know anyone who is really abusive when it comes to wasting energy or not recycling.  Most of the motivation for this came in the early 70's when the middle east oil cartels were creating artificial shortages.  Now that "others" are creating them it is a different story, is it not?

  9. That's been my big thing, the whole idea that we're warming up the planet, or putting more CO2 into the and causing a runaway temperature rise on Earth is ridiculous and it makes people worried, superstitious and busy trying to keep something that's not happening-- from happening.  BUT, of we pay money, we can pollute all we want.  

    With all due respect, sending a space shuttle up every six months isn't polluting the air.  The main component of rocket fuel is liquid oxygen.

    The real issue is not climate change or global warming, that's just to keep the masses busy and is opening the door to illegal taxation.  We still have people littering and factories polluting the air.  Which makes me confused as to why some people don't like it when industrial scrubbers are installed on smoke stacks.  If pollution is such a problem, and an industry is taking steps to reduce it, why get all angry about doing what you ( environmentalists) wanted it to do in the first place.

    I agree with dum dum, we're supposed to be more eco-conscious, so what is recommended?  Using food as fuel and putting toxic compounds in light bulbs.  How can anyone expect corn to be a sustainable source of fuel for 300 million people in the USA let alone the rest of the world?  The we've quickly seen the results of that stupid idea, higher food prices, and not a lot of extra fuel.

  10. Those are two different issues.

    Most people respect and treat the planet very well, but at the same time, very few really believe we are causing climate change.

    As for keeping the planet clean, here in the US, the pollution levels have been going down consistently for decades now.  Let's continue to decrease pollution.

  11. Of course.    I drive a Corolla, never litter, don't use A/C (or even a fan this year), keep my electricity usage down, etc...

    One of my main problems with environmental alarmism is that when individual scares turn out to be bogus, this will turn people away from good practices in general.

  12. Most people do already

  13. I am with you ,

    but unfortunately a lot of people do not care in the slightest about the Environment .Many even think it is not important

    They use their disbelief in Global warming as an excuse ,NOT to change their ways as far as respecting Nature is concerned

    or be frugal with their use of our natural resources

    or stop exploiting the Environment for personal gain or pleasure.

    They reckon Mankind does nothing wrong so why change.

    or their money comes from exploitation.

    This is not helped by the seemingly preferred ignorance of our interrelationships with the Natural world.

  14. I can agree with this sentiment. I've always stated that we need to do more to stop polluting our air and water. (Google China's Air quality it's awful). We also need to stop cutting down the Rain Forest.

  15. Yes, we should all be more considerate and caring and we should all take better care of the only planet we can ever have.

  16. Before whiteman came to Australia I believe the Aboriginies had it right. Don't over indulge, always stay nomadic, don't leave legacies after you die.

  17. i support bytherul premaculture's answer. people don't care about the environment and uses the excuse that they don't believe in global warming when it is a different issue altogether.

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