
Even if the lawn is cut on a "high setting" during hot and dry weather..doesnt this place stress on the grass?

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why and how so in your opinion?

I mean , I can see that people want a perfectly evenly manicured looking lawn during the summer time, but really, does it not harm the grass to cut it when it is hot and dry, even though it is maybe cut on a high setting??

why and how so in your opinion?

Thanks for your answers!




  1. Who cares? It's grass. It never stops growing and growing and growing and growing...I get sick of cutting the jungle that is my yard.

  2. Yes...if it's brown and dry, leave it alone, it's not going to grow because it's dormant until the next rainfall.

  3. I don't think grass gets ' stressed ', its a hardy plant.

    I suggest that it is cut in the early evening, then the night

    will be a bit cooler and it shouldn't turn brown.

    We  do ours that way.

  4. the only change I make in my mowing routine ( which includes mowing at 3.5 inch setting) during hot, dry weather is to cut at dusk.  The next morning, I water.  My lawn does not suffer because it is freshly cut right before it gets dark.

  5. if this is stressing you out,remove the grass and pour concrete ,paint it green once a year. stressed grass problem solved.

  6. Mowing at any time of year places some degree of stress on it. In the warm summer months, it is always best to mow at a minimum of 3 inches after the cut. This will help the grass blades to actually shade the root system and preserve what moisture there is.

    Your lawn, like any other plant, requires moisture, nutrients and air to grow at its best. Make sure to water 2 times per week in the summer months applying about an inch of water each time. This will help the lawn to maintain itself during the summer months.

    When fall arrives, you should consider aerating your lawn with a core aeration machine. This will help relieve soil compaction that the long hot summer produces and help the root system to develop further. It is also a great time to overseed the lawn right after a core aeration as well. You can rent the machines at your local rental center or hire it done. Expect to pay about $60-$100 to rent the machine and $80-$150 to hire it done. It is hard work so go in with some of your neighbors so you can share the cost and especially share the work load!

    Hope this helps!


  7. The opposite.As the grass grows longer the roots go deeper into the soil,so can extract water from deeper down.The nitrogen that makes the grass green is stored in the blades of grass.The longer the blade,the more food is stored to cope with stress and you grass will be deep green without feeding it.

    Why cut grass all the time,l hear you ask.Well cutting starves the grass so you have to feed it,but the cutting thickens the lawn as it makes the blades grow sideways.So keeping the grass long means that eventually the grass will be less manicured and straggly.

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