
Even if we accept creationism/intelligent design, how would it further our understanding of the universe?

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Let's say that god is responsible for creating the universe. Doesn't that still leave the questions of exactly how god did it unanswered? How would creationism/intelligent design help further science in any way?




  1. Speaking as a theist, I couldn't have put it better myself. Do creationists really believe a hand came down out of the sky to plant the first man and woman on earth?

  2. Accepting that he did it makes the question of "how" he did it FAR less important than the question of "why" he did it.  

    Which is more important...

    Understanding how toothpaste works or understanding why you need to use it?  

    Understanding how your car works or understanding what it needs to operate the way it was designed to operate?  

    We are here...that's a fact...thus, it seems far more important that we try to understand why we are here and what we are supposed to be doing and learning!  Accepting creation/intelligent design would further our understanding of the allowing us to identify FAR more important questions we need to answer about this universe than how it came to be!  .  

  3. It wouldn't. Being as its self-contained and resists alteration when new data is introduced, it is not a science at all. That, via literal definition, is pseudo-science.

    Pseudo-science furthers ignorant superstition. It will never further understanding, only the dogma it supports.

  4. Well ... if Creationism/ID is correct than that is an important piece of information that we need to know.  And, you are right, we would still want to figure out how the big guy did it.

    Having said that - I don't think Creationism/ID stand a snowflakes chance in heck of being right.

  5. well in order to search for answers you have to actually believe answers are there...that takes some faith...if we didn't search for answers because there is no evidence the answers can be found...we wouldn't move forward at all...

  6. It doesn't.  Saying god did it means all further investigation stops.

    Disease becomes incurable because it's god's will that someone gets sick and only god can cure them

    The Universe becomes just a god-made mystery for us to wonder at but never understand

    History becomes condensed into one book and only stretches back 6,000 years

    Rules and laws become unchangeable (literally "carved in stone") giving no flexiblity or consideration for changing circumstances

    Basically we end up back in the Middle Ages

  7. Neither would.

    BioLogos, however, would at least get scientists focused on science, and it might direct a lot of currently wasted energies towards the betterment of mankind.

  8. Because you would know the truth !

  9. Should have no negative affect. Possibly we could learn more, faster.

    Creationism and Intelligent Design are not the same thing. Creationism is the Christian belief in origins. ID is an idea from the scientific community- not Christians.  

  10. Could said axiom result in a way to replicate the initial creation event? Because that would totally be worth it.

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