
Even if you don't agree with your parents?

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do you think that they did a good job raising you?

I know my Mum did. What about your parents?




  1. Nope. I'm pleased with the person I am now, but it took me a few years between leaving home and becoming a sensible person. I put it down to meeting the right people since (my hubby, mostly), and the deep down knowledge that their way of doing things wasn't right.  

  2. Yeah, she did and my Dad.

    I love them lots.

    Although sometimes they misunderstand me really badly!


  3. I think they did a good job raising me, because I am happy with the person that I am...

    But i have a very strange relationship with them... more like friends then any parental figure...

  4. I would like to think so. Not turned out too bad.

  5. Nope. They did the basic taking care of like food, clothing and education. But, other than that not much. It took me a good number of years to figure out why I was how I was, and become what I am now.  I too had to meet the right people and see the world for that. My parents blatantly favored and spoiled my siblings. now that these siblings are not doing so good in life, they expect me to help them to even things out.

    So, overall I am thankful for the food and shelter they provided, but other than that nothing.

  6. I guess they did, because I'm a far better parent than far.

    I know the mistakes they made with me, and I hope I don't fall into that trap.

  7. We never agree... but they love me... so do I!!

  8. i think my parents did a great job.  they showed me what real, unconditional love real means, not only with me, but with their relationship too.  i dont agree with everything they ever did, but i try to understand why they did it, especially now that i am a mom too.  i take what they taught me and what i have learned in my life and mix the two and came up with my way of raising my son, and it seems to be working quite well, i get lots of compliments.  i love my parents and am glad to say that they are two of my best friends.

  9. Yes mine did, ok  They raised me to believe in myself and make my own decisions, and allowed me to disagree with them.


    I am really sorry that you have such rubbish parents, most parents are good and do the best they can for their children, you are proof of that yourself by being the best parent you can be to your brother,  

  10. Yes, I think my parents did a wonderful job with myself and my sister.  Even though they had marriage problems my sister and I turned out fine and happy.  We are closer now that I am older and they are wonderful with my children.

  11. Not at all.

    I do a better job with my brother than my mum ever did, or could do.

    I don't agree with most parents. They think they're doing the best for their kids when really they're not. They're just ignorant to the real world and what kinds of things their kid will have to face. There's no point trying to protect a kid from drink, drugs and crime. It's the real world and time to get a grip, get your kids to grow a backbone and stop thinking slapping them will solve your troubles.

  12. Not really. I am the person I am today despite my Mum, not because of her.  I do love her but she is a very intolerant and bitter woman and I know now that the reason she was good to me when I was little was because I never disagreed with her.  As soon as I started to question her view of the world our relationship changed.  I am sorry that it happened but I can't change it.

  13. I think my parents did a great job. when I was a teenager I used to fight with my parents on every little thing but now that I'm a parent my self I find my self going ooo that's why my parents did that. i

  14. my mother did a great job.

  15. yeah

  16. Yes. Absolutely. I don't feel that my mom did the "best" job, because i still don't agree with a few of her methods, and views, but i am a great, well rounded, responsible person, as are most of my brothers, and we owe it to her, she was a single mom.

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