
Even if you had the money, would you buy the $250 Miley Cyrus 16th birthday ticket?

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Even if you had the money, would you buy the $250 Miley Cyrus 16th birthday ticket?




  1. No way coz I'm not a Miley fan. But I think the younger kids would buy around the ages 9 to 11.

  2. No, I'd rather shred the money.

  3. well since im not a fan no.

  4. no

    i'd rather waste my money on something worth it

  5. No. there's many thing that you can do with the money instead of wasting it just to buy for miley's 16th bday. right??? if you'll attend to that party you can't still go near or talk to miley in person because it's too crowded for sure!

  6. h**l NO! EVen tho its for charity thats ridiculous and its at disneyland too that means a sista gotta pay $ to get in too!

  7. HECK NO.

    And whoever does needs hit.

    Its not like you will actually be partying with her. She probably is doing justt a concert ordeal and thats it.


  8. I'd rather put that money towards the cost of her rehabilitation, after all she's about to crash and burn.

    Aside from that I would never pay that much to see Miley Cyrus she should be giving out those tickets for free.

  9. why would want to waste my money on her? no thanks.

  10. nottreally.

    shes a whoree.

    ohh&&to badd if you dont like my mouth.

    think i careee? well, dont

    ****,d**n,****,whoree,slutt (=

  11. No not for me but my sister i would.

  12. h**l no.


  14. NO! But, I'd like to meet someone who would!!!!!!!!!!!! Old saying goes, A fool and his money, soon part!!!!!!!! I'll bet that I could sell them an island in downtown Manhattan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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