
Even more boyfriend trouble..HELP!?

by Guest57736  |  earlier

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that was my question from yesterday this is a whole new ddilemma

ok so i told my boyfriend how i felt about the whole kissing feeling up my shirt thing (you have to read my last question to know what I'm talking about) i told him, he felt so bad for putting me in that situation .but then today he wanted me to give him oral? or something like that i don't even know what the h**l that yea i was like um no and left now i think he is mad at me AGAIN! ugh i don't know what to do but if he wants me to have s*x with him he is sadly mistaken.ugh stupid boys. can you help me.?




  1. Boys are boys look if u don't want to have s*x with this guy leave him cause hes gona keep putting pressure on u. Ok oral s*x is when u suck a guys d**k that what that is. Um if he gets mad bump him just go find someone else hes  an  *** hole for not respecting ur no's.

  2. I didn't read ur last question, but bottom line:

    Don't do anything you're not comfortable doing. If he can't respect that, then leave him and find someone who won't try to push you into doing things you don't want to.

    If you let him push you into doing something, then he's gonna keep trying to push for more. He gets what he wants, and you get left feeling like **** for doing things you don't want to.

    Trust me, being with someone who doesn't respect you enough to not put you in those kinds of situations isn't worth the emotional anxiety you're going to feel. (And feeling guilty afterwards doesn't mean anything. If he really did feel bad then he wouldn't put you into an even worse position after.)

  3. break up wit him


  4. break up with him,

    obv. hes just trying to get someee

  5. Kick his sorry @ss to the curb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I can't believe how early you teens are starting these days.  I was 17 before I had seen a women naked next to me.  

  7. oral= you sucking his wiener

  8. if you aren't ready, you aren't ready. He'll have to deal with that

  9. Yes ........stupid boys for wanting to get some affection from his GF.......yes so stupid.....

    What's with that attitude?  What did you expect when you got a BF????  Jump ropes everyday?  Hop-Scotch??  


  10. Well I'd be prepared to have a dna test done cause if you decide that you want nothing more to do with him, thats exactl what will happen..

    best of luck

  11. Babe if your not comfortable with going that far then DO NOT... he should respect your limits.. if he really cares about you and isn't a self centered d**k.. he will take things slow... as slow as you want...

    I applaud you for standing up for yourself and walking away... Never take c**p from men... and you're the one who's supposed to be mad at him not the other way around...

    Go forward ONLY if you're ready..

    Take care hun...Good Luck!

  12. Obviously he doesn't respect you enough to respect your boundaries. Saying he understands your discomfort for trying to feel you up and apologizing by asking you to give him oral s*x is ridiculous. who cares if he is mad? He is a pushy jerk who thinks only with his p***s. Go hang out with some girlfriends and look forward to the day when you are older and can meet a guy who has something interesting to say and wants to treat you well. Don't accept any less.

  13. Whoah.. ok honestly i think at the moment at at the age hes at he really is looking for some sort of sexual reletionship. Boys at that age are thinking about s*x alot. The fact he asked you for oral and like put his hand u up your top just gives evidence for that.. honestly im not gunna tell you to not have a boyfriend because I dont think your too young to be experimenting being in lil reletionships and everything but I will say i think if your not interested in any of his sexual ideas that he wants to do dump him.. because by the sounds of it thats all hes tried doing with you. Unless theres like other times you havnt mention where you two have like hung out it was nice? otherwise dump him because it sounds like thats all he wants from you right now. Also he has no right to be angry at you for saying you dont want to do it, because you choose as your own person what YOU want to do.  

  14. listen up baby girl!! that kid wants to have SOMETHING connected with s*x with you, and that is normal for a 15 year old kid, but you should be very careful!! i'd say just dump his *** and find a gentleman...that's what you need at that age...not a s*x maniac

  15. You only kissed him for the first time yesterday and now he's asking for oral?  He's a creep.  Break up with him and find someone worthy of you.  He's only after one thing, he's trying to use you.  The second day of kissing is way too early for that.  You wouldn't enjoy that anyway with someone you've only just started seeing.  

    Find a nice boy - there are plenty out there, and its nothing to do with his age.  Lots of 15 year old boys don't do more than kiss and even those who do, would respect your wishes when you said no, if they were boys worth knowing.  This one obviously isn't.

  16. He is simply trying to wear you down.  He thinks you will eventually give in.  This generally works on drunk college girls.

    He is objectifying you and being very disrespectful.  If I knew you in real life I would be consider doing him physical harm at this point.

    Please break up with him, he is really being a scum bag.  You can do much better than him.

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