
Even though I have to repeat a year, can I still achieve my dream?

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My dream it to become an actress. I found out I was short 3 credits and Need to repeat 10th grade. When you go to audition do they ask about school? I went to one audition and I had to put my GPA which uh yeah sucked, I so scared that's why I didn't get the part. I'm scared repeating a year, ruined my chances of ever having a successful job.





  1. i don't think it matters that much. you should concentrate3 more on your academics before you think anymore about theater.. it just means you have to show them that you are exactly what they need and you have to work harder. Good luck with the tenth grade again!

  2. Actually your grades have little to do with your being an actress. It is a good idea to finish high school, better buckle down and get serious about it. IF you want to act you need to be in the school plays. Find out if you are any good or not.  

  3. Half or is it more than half of the actors didn't even finish high school. Just do the best you can for now. You didn't get the part because you're underage. There are some laws in every state that the teenager has to have at least 3.5 GPA if and when working. Employers really encourage students to finish high school or their schooling before concentrating on having a job. Good luck.

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