
Even though it's early....Who would you like to see win the NASCAR Sprint Cup this season?

by Guest32182  |  earlier

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Even though it's early....Who would you like to see win the NASCAR Sprint Cup this season?




  1. Carl Edwards.

  2. Dale Earnhart JR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Jeff Gordon.

  4. harvick

  5. I like Tony Stewart, but it doesn't seem he's going to win, so Kyle Busch.  And if not him, anybody except Jeff Gordon or Jimmie Johnson.

  6. I would wanna see Kasey Kahne win the Cup this season

  7. Jimmie Johnson

  8. Jr., of course!!!

    Go Jr.>>>>

  9. Still to early but.....prediction is Jeff Gordan or Jimmie Johnson

  10. The Bandit!!

  11. Jimmie Johnson

    If not..... Kyle Busch or Jeff Gordon

  12. ABKB!  (Anybody but Klye Buhcs)

    Preferably Dale JR or Jimmie Johnson.  

  13. JR- JOHNSON- GORDON in that order.

  14. jeff burton would be a great champ, someone everyone could agree is a class act.

  15. I think there are three who have a real shot, Rowdy, Jimmie, and Carl.  I've gotta go with ROWDY!

  16. Jeff "the LEGEND" Gordon

    so i could say

    5 TIME BABY, 5 TIME!!

  17. Matt Kenseth

  18. Three choices.

    In no particular order

    Tony Stewart, What a way to go out!

    Jeff Gordon, Need I say more?

    Kyle Busch, (fill in the blank)

    Trolls, Trolls, I need more Trolls.

  19. jeff gordon 24!

  20. Kyle Busch or Kasey Kahne. I think they both deserve it but only one can win.

  21. Kyle Busch.

    Poetic justice at it's finest.  

  22. I think you know the answer...

  23. Jeff Gordon !

  24. Jeff Gordon all the way!

  25. Matt Kenseth if not then Kyle Busch.Anybody but Gordon or JR.

  26. anyone from Hendrix motors sports

    preferably Dale Earnhardt JR.

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