
Even though it's freezing cold outside I've just been bitten by a midgey..but I managed to swipe it before it

by  |  earlier

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got away. Poor wee thing where did it come from this time of year?

Just going to put some vinegar on my bite/sting and give this tiny object a wee flush down the loo.




  1. i dont know.. maybe it's still managed to alive even in a cold temperature.. hope you get well soon.

  2. They're confused by the weird weather.

    Vinegar? Doesn't that make it sting more?

  3. Often times one can find a refuse from the cold inside of a house.  There may be some standing water from an HVAC drain or leaky tub, which pools up enough to allow them to breed.  Check your house plants.  That seems to be a favorite spot.  Out in the open they may go into a state of suspended animation during the cold and thaw out and become active when the temperature warms.  I got a nasty surprise when I brushed my finger under the collar of a jacket I had left hanging for a few weeks.  There was a wasp there that was waiting out winter.  Vinegar works.

  4. cold weather is no guarantee that little xxxx will die off

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