
Even when I have a good day, why do I reflect back?

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and think about things I could have done better. And don't feel content.




  1. This is a matter of choice for your life !  

    Some call it positive thinking and negative thinking.  

    I would name it personality - "personal way of living" or "culture - a group of people do things in this way".

  2. The moment you have nothing to improve is the day life becomes boring and meaningless. A major part of our lives is learning from what we did wrong and trying to improve upon it.

  3. Because this world is not the ideal for anyone, it is imperfect. There will always be things in this world that could be better so because human beings can sense this we will always want something more than what we received.

  4. I do the very same thing. I am a costume specialist and with each one I make I feel as though I could have done better no matter how many people tell me it is great. I have come to realize it is a personal journey towards self improvement and perfection. To become better every day, the master of what I/we do.

  5. I think it is wonderful that you reflect back. What needs to be distinguished is how you perceive what you did with the time you had. You learn when you look back and reflect on things that have happened. Instead of thinking "I should have" and putting yourself in a position of perfection, you could take the perspective of acceptance. If you learned from it, then you will have the knowledge to deal effectively with those types of situations in the future. You can't change the past, only the present and future. Think positively of yourself that you are taking the initiative to learn from the day, then take those thoughts and put them into action in the present and future.

  6. That's a personal idea - contentment. You can feel fantastic or depressed about the same thing; it's just the idea you take of it. You decide your mood (well, you and your endorphins!)

    It's good to reflect back, but if it gets to the point where you're not satisfied change your attitude.

    "I had the blues because I had no shoes until upon the street, I met a man who had no feet."

  7. There is no better reason to reflect back than a good day.

    I would even say that it is a great idea to spend some extra time doing so every day and even during the day, say at lunchtime.  

    If somehow your focus switches to the more negative ideas, then acknowledge them and get back on board by visualizing just how they would be if they were better.  No problem there whatsoever.  Matter of fact really successful people do this without even thinking about it.  It is natural for them, a kind of a reward in a sense, an enjoyment, a relishment even.

    Not feeling content does indicate that there is something gone slightly wrong, and likely has gotten to be habitual, but don't worry, we all have habits like that.  With a slight change in focus as indicated above, life can become fun again and guess what?  That too is a habit and a good one at that.

    Enjoy!  Life is supposed to be fun.

  8. Don't live your life with regrets. Think positively and if you think you could have done something better, try your best to make a better decision next time. No one's perfect and everyone make mistakes.

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