
Even with the tradedeadline past can you still trade for players after that?

by  |  earlier

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Say like if the whitesox were to get houston street can they still get him even if the tradedeadline is over or do they have to wait until after the end of the season to pursue him.




  1. The White Sox can still get Houston Street after the trade dead line, but if the White Sox make it to the playoffs, Houston cannot play in the p[layoffs. He can play from now until then, but he is not illegible to play in the playoffs. If they would have got Street before the trade dead line, he could play in the playoffs.

  2. Yes, but the players involved have to pass through waivers.

    And the 1st poster is wrong he would be able to play in the playoffs.

  3. after today if you want to trade players they have to pass through waivers. if no team claims the player the team is alowed to trade him to any team. If the player is claimed the team who put him on waivers can either pull him back and keep him or just give him to the team that claimed him.

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