
Event management course(in western countries-maybe Uk)-what is a must in applicant's personality,good points?

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want to study a Event management course abroad

(1)what is a must in applicant's personality, good points? should be what....outgoing, creative, good mathematics knowledge, statisitics......?.these are only a guess by me? I really have no idea if I 'm suitable to study this course of not.

(2)My maths is bad, my spoken english is ok, (i am Asian), I like chatting with people & trying new things. I am not recreative but I am thoughtful and can always think of minor things. I am a mature student , 37. i do not have experience in this field before. I would like to meet more friends via my study and perhaps the work placement.

(3)What is the majority of the gender of the students in this course? What job can i get after the course?

(4)will they hire a person over 40 that have no working experience before in this field?

(5) my most concern is:what kind of person,personality, or good points should I be if i want to succeed in studying &working in this field?

Answer point by point pl




  1. (1) Outgoing personality,patience,good general knowledge,and a liking for meeting people........(2)  A reasonable standard of mathematics is necessary for any management position,so that filling in work rosters and ordering goods within a given budget are possible. Normal secondary school maths will be sufficient...........(3) Most Asians on these courses are male,because their parents tend to be hotel owners who are expecting their sons to take over the business,but there are Asian and Western females as well. Overall there is about an equal balance of male and female.Most of the females are British or European,but some American , Australian  or African students may be found as well..........(4) Your own personality,organistional qualities,and ability to impress a prospective employer are more important than age,until you are close to retirement age.......(5) Punctuality,patience,helpfulness to clients,tidy appearance and a good work ethic are  important.

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