
Eventhough Newton has done lot of work for physics why he was not given nobelprize?

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Eventhough Newton has done lot of work for physics why he was not given nobelprize?




  1. Because the Nobel Prizes were not established until several hundred years after Newton died.

  2. because in his times,they still not yet know the exists of nobelprize..well,it may be they know the exists of the nobelprize,but they are not realize how is it importance!!!!!!

    even my idol albert einstein also contribute a lot of contribution which can be compared to isaac newton but he also does not get the nobelprize once......

    both of them just being respect by us after them.........

  3. Sir Isaac newton died in 1727 and The Nobel Prize wasn't established until 1895. The statutes of the prize state that you can't be nominated posthumously.

  4. Newton did nothing special, lots of people did cross breed pigeons like he did ,but they never kept a record like he did, his books are all coming from the learning about pigeons , so it was only a little contribution to the few how were interested in the evolution of pigeons , and guess work about other animals, and at that time there was not nobelprize

  5. Newton was long dead before they started giving out Nobel prizes which didn't begin until the year 1901.

  6. idk. idk they didn't give him one. yeah idk. when i think physics i think Newton.

    oh... what the lad above me said

  7. It is because Newton was born much earlier than Alfred Nobel...

    Nobel prize began in early 1900's, and Newton was born at about 17th century...

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