
Eventually we as humans will have to leave earth due to the fact the sun will burst.?

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Now i know this will happen a long long long long time in the future. Do you think we will ever figure out how to get to another planet with superior light fast space shuttles. We simply can't go to Mars either because the explosion will be to wide.




  1. The Earth will shake us off like fleas (or let us destroy our own species) loooong before the Sun goes nova. I wouldn't sweat it.

  2. We will have colonized many planets around many stars by then. We should be building interstellar spaceships by 2050, but they will be sub-light. For true faster-than-light ships, figure 100-500 years from now. We will do it, eventually.

  3. I think that migrating to other planets is beyond our ability and that the human race will become extinct

  4. We can go to Pluto.  It has soil and is not a gaseous planet

  5. no Jesus would have taken us by then.


  6. First of all, whoever is talking about the sun exploding is completely wrong. The Sun does not have enough mass to explode, and it will only expand into a red giant. So far, no planet other than Earth is able to support life, but from what I have heard scientists have a plan to capture a meteors momentum to slightly expand the Earths orbit, which done enough times could help us survive.

  7. Wow that's scary

  8. Well, the sun won't burst, it will EXPAND in about 4 billion years and just keep getting bigger. The sun will begin it's red giant phase, created when the Sun no longer has enough hydrogen to fuse into helium (basically runs out of fuel).

    So, given the time from now until then, it's probably safe to say that humans will be long gone before we have the capability to move so quickly through space. We're working on it though. There's an idea floating around to produce energy from anti-matter to create propulsion. This will greatly enhance the speed in which we travel though space, but it won't make a dramatic difference; such as, going light speed.

    I've included a link from one of our fellow YA! people explaining the anti-matter propulsion.

  9. I share my opinion with Isaac Asimov, that human kind is only at its beginning and we'll eventually find out a way to flock the galaxy before our sun becomes a red giant

  10. No.  So far there has been no other planet found that would support us anyway...and by then could you imagine what our population will be????

    No need to even think about it...Jesus will be back first...and time as we know it will end

  11. Trust me, by the time the sun dies out humanity will cease to exist.

  12. yes we will be capable of it in a very very long time but if the sun were to explode it would go off with out warning but i think that it will just burn out

  13. Burst is such a strong word.

    The Sun will not explode.  It will "quickly" (over a few million years) bloat up into a red giant.

    Long before that (as it ages), it will have become too hot for life on Earth.  The pessimists put that time at a little less than a measly million years.

    Yet, that is still 500 times two thousand years.  

    Two thousand years ago, we could not fly; we did not even have motors.  We had a few simple machines and devices (wheel, lever, inclined planes...) that worked with muscle power -- ours or animals'.

    The most sophisticated means of transport we had: sail boats.

    A hundred years ago, air travel was still quite rare and the future was to big dirigible balloons filled with hydrogen.  

    Them airplane contraptions were mostly used by daredevils and circus freaks.

    Fifty years ago, we shot a few ball of steel, with a few bells and whistles, in orbit around the Earth.

    Forty years ago, we took "one small step for [a] man".

    In the last decades, we have been working at transferring our traffic jams on the surface of Mars (if we keep this up, we'll have to put up traffic lights).

    And two of our probes are telling us about the conditions at the border between our solar system and the interstellar space.


    It is possible that the satellites of Jupiter are far enough to be safe when the Sun bloats out in 5 billion years.  However, my guess is that by that time, [if we still exist] we will have moved on so far that our "Capital" might even be in a different solar system.

    If it is soon enough, we might even call this new capital, Trantor.  We might even have a very distant outpost called Terminus...

    [Well you look it up... add a bit to your culture]

  14. nope. but who cares??? we'll be long gone in 5 billion years

  15. No.  The event will never occur; it is far too distant.

    Assuming we don't go extinct, within a thousand years, we will have the technology to do whatever we please.  If humans wish to keep Earth, we'll simply pick up everything that exists in the Solar System and warp it to a new star.  Or we'll dissect another star and use the raw materials to create a Dysonsphere.  Or we'll simply crush the Sun into a giant ball of iron and use a dimensional gateway to bring another star here.  Or we'll just let it go out, blow it out ourselves like a candle. We won't need a star by that point in our technological evolution.

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