
Ever Have Any Of These Symptoms.....?

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I have been having very sore b*****s lately. They throb and sometimes it feels like inside they like burn. It hurts to have any kind of shirt or bra on. They are also very very swollen and like a purply color. I have alot of blue veins popping up that I never have had before. Also I have been getting these hot flashes like crazy. I'm so hot all the time. When I look over at my husband he has like 3 blankets on because I have the air so low. LOL. The only other "symptom" I have been having is really tired all the time. I'm not getting my period I had it already and I know I ovulated because I got a positive OPK. Sooo could I finally be pregnant? Have you or someone you know ever had these symptoms. I dont want to get my hopes up I have been TTC for 3 years and have never felt like this before. I know you guys are not doctors and I'm not asking you guys if I am pregnant. I know I have to take a test. But I just want you input and thoughts. Thanks guys =]

Please No rude or mean comments. Thanks!!




  1. Sounds like you could be!

    Its possible..

    when and if you miss your period take a test or go to your OB and get a blood test they can detect hormones in tiny amounts.. 5 and over are considerd high!!

    Good luck

  2. it is very possible when i was pregnant i had very tender b*****s and was always tired but not until later on in pregnancy so it depends on how far along you would be.  i hope it works out for you.  good luck and lots and lots of Baby Dust!

  3. That is exactly how I knew I was pregnant. My b*****s were so sore. I couldn't touch them. I had been trying to conceive for almost a year and that's how I just knew that I had to be pregnant. Good Luck and Wish you all the best!!

  4. I had all of these symptoms during my pregnancy (plus a trillion more lol). From the start i was tired... all the way through. I didn't get the other ones till a little later, but everyone is different! Good luck!  

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