
Ever been in a tornado?

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If so have you ever gotten over it or do you still freak out when there are warnings and watches going on around you? I was several years ago but I still get really scared.




  1. I live in Florida where there are hundreds of warnings but you never see one.

    I'm hoping to see one someday! I love EXTREME Weather!

    But I have been in mayor hurricanes. Katrina, Wilma, etc. The wind is so strong and scary! It literary pushes you around!

  2. I was in one back in the 70's in Michigan.  It was early in the morning and I'm a pretty heavy sleeper.  My brother came in to tell me to go down in the basement but I didn't believe it was a tornado.  Until I looked out my window, finally and the trees were nearly inside out.  

    While my brothers and sisters and I were downstairs, my mom and dad were checking on the horses, etc. that were still outside.  My mom saw the tornado pick up one of our horses and drop him again in a completely different place!  A little scary, but he wasn't hurt.  We lost a couple of trees in the storm.  One fell on the porch roof and one from across the dirt road we lived near crossed the road and landed on my dad's pick-up truck.  He happened to park in my sister's spot the night before.  Amazing how God works.  If it had been her little Dodge Dart, it would have been smashed completely in.  He just had to fix his windsheild.  

    We had lots of firewood that year, and we all kept really busy helping my dad cut and stack it.  I never really saw the funnel myself, but I know what the winds are like and I have many times seen the devastation it leaves in its path.

  3. close & it scared me to death.

  4. I was in one back in 91;...

  5. The most we get around here are microbursts. Several years ago there was an especially bad one the blew the roof off of a neighbors house and killed a girl a few blocks away. We lost a window.

    Even I get freaked out in bad storms, though that was the worst. The best thing to do is take precautions with every warning..stay indoors, go to your basement.

    Try to relax and know that it will be ok.

  6. Hi kiki, I've been near them, but never close.  I saw a huge water spout in Florida while going over a bridge.  Scared the sh*t out of me!

  7. yes.but it was when i was a baby.LOL

    Dont remember it.

  8. i live in Florida so your gonna have some bad weather. and yes i have been in a tornado. it was kinda scary. my mom was driving me to school and we go over a bridge. i looked over into the water and the water started spinning. i was so freaked out the 2 minutes later the water rose and rose from the ocean into the got higher and higher until it was almost touching the clouds. my mom sped over the bridge and got to school. they saw that i was crying and said to be safe i could go home. so me and my mom waited for it to calm and i went home. it not very fun to be in one. so watch the news and be alert.

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