
Ever been in anyone's shadow?

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take this situation. you work all year round really hard for some grades and at the end u have them and you're so happy and can't believe it. but then it all seems meaningless because no one really congratulates u for them cos someone else did better and no one really cares even though u did well too. I'm not saying i wanna be drowned in praise but sometimes its nice to hear a well done. just cos someone else is better than u even though your good enough for something it doesn't matter unless you're the best. make sense? anyone ever been in a similar situation?




  1. That's the story of my life! and i completely agree with the whole Olympics thing. But what u have to remember is that there's always going to be someone smarter than u, prettier than u, etc, but that doesn't mean that ur not smart and pretty!

    Don't believe the hype! And well done on your achievements :-)

  2. Yes I know how you feel. I was always compared to my grandfather when I was growing up and expected to be like him, although it was impossible. He was a scientist who got his education entirely on scholarship. When I did get good grades, it was just expected. Later after working hard for a very long time, I started to have a bit of success as an artist. Every time I was in some show, my friend would start talking about a mutual acquaintance who always got perfect grades and achieved many similar things I did as an artist, but at a younger age, and now she will probably become a famous architect. It made me so mad to hear that but I finally just said when she was telling other people about her "yeah I'm still living in her shadow" and I think she got the hint because she has shut up about it since then. Maybe you need to tell people how you feel. At least your parents and people close to you should be more sensitive but sometimes people forget to pay attention to your feelings unless you tell them. That's just how people are sometimes.

  3. You are absolutely correct. This is a real problem we have, especially now, and I don't really know why. Look at sports: the winner of the Super Bowl is the best team in football, but the team that is second is treated and talked about as though they had a lousy season. And the Olympics. There were people everywhere who said that gold was all that mattered and that silver and bronze medals were unacceptable-- being second or third out of thousands of competitors (because you have to count all the people who tried and failed to reach the Olympics in the first place, too) is something to be played down and forgotten?

    Brain damage!

    Congratulations, India. Keep up the good work and don't let the shortsightedness of others get you down.

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