
Ever been kissed in the rain?

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Its rainin out side. I've never been kissed in the rain. I wish i was though. I've only kissed 4 ppl. Only one of them more than once. Le sigh.




  1. I have, a long time ago though. It was nice but it wasn't convenient with the rain and lightning and thunder and me holding the umbrella. (lol)

    Thanks for the trip down memory lane.  

  2. Ive always wanted to be kissed in the rain:(

  3. Ha. Ive never kissed anyone so no. Sounds romantic and all though.

  4. nope   but ive always wanted to    

    wanna try??? lol

  5. kisses in the rain are the best in my opinion, you should try it sometime!

  6. yes, i have.

    it's only really, really great if it's raining really hard though.


  7. It was so much fun. It was in the middle of a park and it started to thunder and my bf told me not to go undercover yet, and I wanted too. Than sheets come down and we run and he stops right outside and building and we started to kiss so sweetly in the middle of nowwhere getting totally souked. I loved it. We were wet and muddly but the memory is forever.

  8. Its a rare yet amazing experience if you are with someone you truly love.  

  9. kissing in the rain is more on the couples part and what they make of it

  10. yeaah

    its not as great as it looks in the movies haha

    ur not missing out

  11. no but i've always wanted to!

  12. i would love to be kissed in the rain i think that is so lovely you know but wit someone i want to be wit  

  13. There's nothin like enjoyin a kiss in the rain than enjoyin a kiss in the rain while you sit on your couch and watch it on tv.  In real life it's not really as "magical" and they don't que the background music unfortunetly.

  14. Yes its a nice experienced.  If you kissed in the rain you feel so romantic and like a dream of a movie "KIssing in the Rain" lol

  15. I have been kissed in the rain on multiple occasions, and I would say that the times we planned it were really nothing spectacular. It's when it's a spur of the moment thing that it really becomes something more. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get your chance someday!

  16. Yes.  it thought it was great.  it was a nice warm rain too.

  17. i've been kissed in the snow lol

    but never in the rain

  18. Its a kiss... i mean its no big deal... and a kiss in the rain is a kiss... the movies add music and zoom in camera for the suck in effect that makes you think its atractive

  19. Never been kissed in the rain. I've only ever kissed one guy though...

  20. le sigh? lol.

    dancing in the rain is fun.. getting struck by lightning is the downfall.  

  21. nope

  22. No. And consider yourself lucky pal, 'cause I've only been kissed once and I was 6

  23. yeah...only once,i dont mean to be gross, but it was slippery

  24. I've never done that either. I would imagine it would be rather romantic for a second, until we pulled apart and he sees my eyeliner rolling down my cheeks! HAHAHA

    Awww Romanian Chick - now THAT sounds romantic! Too bad Texas doesn't see much snow. :P

  25. Being kissed in the rain is out of this world. The only problem is that while u breath lots of ater goes into ur nose making it difficult for u to breath and kiss at the same time.

  26. It isn't that great.

    it's just a kiss in the rain.

    it really isn't Like what you see in the movies!

  27. Nope!

    Dont plan on it either lol!

  28. thought my partner was slobbering was it the rain or the saliva

  29. Yeah. I wish I was kissed in the rain. I had a chance for that to happen to me. My ex-boyfriend and I (we were still going out at the time) were walking together in the rain, and I really wanted to kiss him. But he was too lame to realize how sweet it would be. Which is probably one of the reasons why we're not together anymore n__n;;

  30. I enjoyed it. My first kiss ever was in a thunderstorm and now me and my girlfriend both love the rain and we love making out in the rain.

  31. never been kissed...

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