
Ever been on anti-depressant drug Citalopram 20 mg?

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This is my first day on Citalopram and i am really nervous. been reading the possible side effects and it scares me a little. Have you ever taken that drug? Have you felt better afterwards?




  1. I take the regular med celexa and its great. The only problems are headaches and sometimes you can get very irritable.

    Citalopram is the generic for celexa. I would switch to celexa if i were you.

    Either way it is good.

    I take it for ocd, depression,and  anxiety.

    It helped my depression is gone but I do still have anxiety and some ocd.

    And yeah you do feel better afterwards if you don't skip a dose!

    I believe it worked but my depression put me in such a blur its hard to remember.

    Either way hope I helped.

    Also what side effects scare you?

  2. I have taken this and it was great - I felt 'normal' for the first time in my life. The only side effect I had was a runny nose! Apparently this is a well-recognised effect. The big problem with side effects came when I stopped taking it - with all antidepressants of this type you have to cut down very gradually, otherwise you get funny dizzy sensations, like little electric shocks. But if you reduce the dose gradually it is fine. Just try not to run out!

  3. SIDE EFFECTS are the worst possible scenario and if they dont suit the dr will just change them, i took them and they take a while to really work but i found they helped, they arent the cure, the cure is talking and being proactive in trying to find a positive outlook, running helped me and also cutting down on alcohol

    good luck, ppl dont know how hard depression is


  4. I'm hoping you were prescribed this medication from a licensed psychologist and not just a general practitioner first off.  Never take any antidepressants/mood drug's from a general practitioner as they do not specialize in that field and don't know what would be best for you.

    No matter what antidepressant you read about, you will find a very lengthy list of side effects.  The question is do the pro's for you (In a few weeks) outweigh the possible cons.  Some people have depression and anxiety to the point where they cannot function, so these medicines are a god-sent.  And other people simply need to take a step back from their lives and get some good therapy.  Everyone is very quick to jump on the medicine bandwagon, and because of that you see more and more people popping up with terrible side effects.  

    Just relax, if you start to feel very nervous and panicky, call your doctor right away.  Sometimes finding the right medicine requires trying a few.  Just remember to always take your pill everyday and never change your dosage or discontinue without speaking to your doctor.  One of the biggest problems people face is discontinuing because they simply stop cold turkey.  Good luck to you :)

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