
Ever been to a Dr. and come away without a prescription?

by  |  earlier

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Has anyone ever consulted a Dr. who said, 'I don't know what the h**l is wrong with you.' OR Go home go to bed and you'll get over your Flu etc in 5 days. I am not giving you antibiotics because you probably won't take the full course and they won't have any effect anyhow, because flu is caused by a virus not bacteria.




  1. Ive never needed a prescription in my 19 years of living

  2. yes sometimes the less pills you take the better off you'll be.

  3. oh yeah!

  4. yes, some illnesses dont require meds.

  5. my old doctor wouldn't give you a script if you were dying he was real old school he would send you to work if you lost a limb  

  6. yes i hav

  7. when there is nothing wrong with you sure.

  8. yeah... so?

  9. Yep! So has my friend! After months of tests, they sort of gave up and said, well, we cant find what it is so just leave it and see if you get any worse!

    Some Doctors these days... Dont get me started!

    Then again we are after all, only human.

  10. Yes, but I would get a second opinion if I felt it was something rather than nothing.  Lately, I have found that many docs are overbooked and out of time, so they give you less than a satisfactory examination.  If you truly believe doc A is wrong, then find a doc B.  And maybe even a doc C, D, E, F, etc...depending on how your luck runs and whether the illness you are feeling hangs on for a while.  Good luck.  

  11. Yes but i had a broken bone in my foot the doc said it was nothing and sent me home. Went to hospital an got an x-ray and found out it was broken. Some doc are just bad.

  12. Not personally as I try not to got to the doctor unless I really need to. An old (and not particularly careful) doc sent my dad home dismissing it as indigestion when he was having a heart attack though.

    Like the other say, not everything needs medication and some illnesses just have to run their course. Go back for a second opinion if something doesn't seem right.

  13. Yes...and that is called a GOOD doctor.

  14. Its been on the news about doctors having to reduce the amount of antibiotics they are prescribing because apparently they are contributing to these superbugs.

    Most viral illnesses people visit the GP for will actually get better within 7-10 days without antibiotics and we do build up resistance to these if used frequently.

    I would probably see how you feel in a few days and if you're not better go back and you'll probably get a prescription this time.  

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