
Ever been to art class?

by Guest62593  |  earlier

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whats it like, how does it look, what do you do and what do you learn? A character in a story I am writing is going to art class, but the thing is, I have never been to art class, so how can I write this and make it sound real?




  1. If by art you mean (just) painting, then what usually happens is:  if it's beginning art the teacher usually does an overview of the history of (western) painting with an emphasis on her favorite period, or the modern movements. Then she discusses the various material that will be used during the semester.

    And, since for painting, you need to know how to draw, beginning steps in that direction.   But, also just to get you in the mood, she might start you off, as well, with water colors/finger painting.  Then over the course of the semester, or whatever, you just practice a lot with colors, and learning the color wheel, etc. and with your drawing. And get involved with some "easy" projects.

    In more advanced classes, you just discuss projects and get some guidance, and get on with it, but with helpful tips along the way  :))

  2. Sit in on an art class, or take an art class at school. Not only will you sound real, but you'll be real too.

  3. It depends on the type of Artist you want the character to be.  I have a MFA and I really like doing many mediums. Each type class (Art) is different.  but the norm is a demonstration of a technique, a little open discussion and maybe some hands on work.  Some classes, like figure studies for example, will would have a live model and the class will draw or sculpt a number of different posse's for varying lenghts of time. ( a five minute pose vs a two hour pose) Some classes are just lab work, you work on your own project while the instructor wanders around giving observation or advice. At the masters level its often just theory where you get together and work through ideas. So how do you make it real give your character a skill (drawing painting, carving, jewelery, pottery print making etc) that reinforces a part of himself or try focusing on something  want your character to learn. lastly no two artist work alike but  its  all about exploration

  4. Not since elementary school...

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