Just wondering if you have had to take the blame or get in trouble for something that was not just you? I am so angry at work me and my so called manager were both doing "personal" work at work on our computers, i was on myspace he was on you tube all the time, but heres the thing, we had a surprise meeting where our computers where checked and I got wrote up and he got absolutly nothing. It is so irritating and upseting knowing that now im looked at in a less positive way because I got wrote up knowng that he did the same thing but yet nothing. According to him its just a case of luck, he got lucky and I didnt. Dumb smuck. So now on top of getting wrote up and now wonderng what my bosses thnk of me and trying to proove myself again he just gets to sit back and take it as a warning to be careful for now on and im taking all the **** for it. I hope karma exist. this sucks. : (