
Ever did bad on a test in school because you needed to take a c**p?

by  |  earlier

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i hate it! it just happened to me this morning at school...that's why i never eat breakfast, even though my mom bugs me to eat so i can focus in school. well, she's got that right. i focus on controlling my c**p! i rushed through my exam today and we're not allowed to use the bathroom during the exam unless you're done...of all days -___-'' how about you guys? ever happened to you?




  1. How lovely to hear about your bowel movements. Luckily, I  run my life a little better so that such events do not occur - thus, it has never happened to me. But then of course, I am British, and we just don't do that sort of thing and neither do we broadcast our toilet habits.

  2. It's nice to know that all the money spent by the State on your education hasn't been totally wasted, and that you have your priorities in the correct order! If in doubt - plan ahead!  

  3. lol, well sometimes if ive drunk alot of water i need to go to the toilet but i can't go during lessons i have to hold it in and all i can think is, I hope the lesson is over soon.

  4. I did badly on a test, not because i needed to c**p, but because my stomach kept growling and the room was totally silent so it was really embarassing! T.T

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