
Ever did something impressive, but did not even know you did it?

by  |  earlier

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At work, they were remodeling the kitchen. 5 people were trying to move the refrigerator from one side of the room, to the other. I was walking by, asked if they needed help. Yes they did, they were struggling! So I walked over, picked up the refrigerator, carried it over to the other side of the room. Set it down, and walked out of the kitchen.

Weeks later, today, one of the ladies told me that after I left, one of them asked "WHO was that guy?" One of the men said "that was the governor of Kalifornia." She replied, no it wasn't. I met the governor of California and THIS GUY was a LOT BIGGER and more muscular.

Male ego moment. Sweeettttt...




  1. Once if I did, how would I know later? lol. Anyway the only thing I can think of is the time I picked up my (much bigger) 20 kg heaver cousin over my shoulders. It was freaky and I only did it

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