
Ever dream your dieing >????????????

by  |  earlier

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i had this dream i was deing i was suck in my house and it said im dieing i woke up i couldent wake up 30 mins then when i did i couldent open my eyes 20 mins and then i couldent get up 20 mins i screamed and cryed i dont want to die im only 19 am i dieing or is this night mair




  1. Funny.  

  2. You're okay, this has a perfectly ordinary explanation!  Don't worry!

    It sounds like what happened to you is something called a "night terror."  Night terrors happen when for some reason your body doesn't wake up properly so you are trapped between waking and sleep. It's accompanied by extreme terror, screaming or crying, sometimes hallucinations, and an inability to open your eyes.

    This happens to young children a lot but not so often to teenagers and adults.  Usually when they happen to older people there is a reason, like bad diet, being on a weird schedule, or having stress in your life. So if you want to keep it from happening again, take a look at anything that might have caused it. Most likely it was just a random thing and won't happen more than once.

    Night terrors are really really scary and I don't blame you for feeling weirded out but this is not a psychic thing telling you you are going to die, it's just a weird mixup in your sleep pattern. I had several episodes a few years ago and I still feel afraid to go to sleep sometimes!  Just wanted you to know you are not alone.

  3. its a nightmare and the paralysis you experienced was (background first) when your in rem sleep your brain paralyzes your body so you don't act out your dreams. (explanation) sometime you can regain consciousnesss but your brain doesn't "unlock" your body so you can experiencece paralysis like you did although it is rare.  

  4. it s some kind of confusion or sleep disorder. i once dreamt that the devil was speaking to me, when i was younger. i dreamt of this over and over in one night, i was trying to wake up, i thought i made it each time, and went to my mother's room next door, but in the end it would start over again and again... in the end i forced myself to get up.

    i shook for the next few minutes, asked my mom what was going on. she told me to say a prayer and although i don't believe much in god, it worked. i fell in deep sleep and woke up relaxed... =\

    it was all a terrible nightmare.

  5. nightmare

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