
Ever encounter a ghost? If so, what happened?

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Ever encounter a ghost? If so, what happened?




  1. Yes, it was Norton's ghost, and on a cold dark night it reformatted my hard drive.

  2. I used to live on a street in London that in the late Victorian period was known as the "Millionaire's Row" of the area since the houses were all large and rather grand. However, these days this section of London is not so upmarket anymore and all of these large houses have been converted into seperate flats and I lived on the ground floor, which would have originally been the reception rooms.

    To begin with I noticed that in certain rooms objects would move from where they were left, almost as though they were cleared away and usually when no one was in that particular room. There was also a permanent "cold spot" in the largest of the rooms that I used as a lounge. On occasion there was also sense of being watched or having an extra person in the flat. Lights would also switch off if left unattended in an empty room and in the hallway soft footsteps could be heard at certain times of the day.

    My girlfriend of the time had two cats that I would look after when she had to go away and now and again they would start up, look at the same point and in unison "watch" something cross the room.

    Then, one morning I was running late for work and was in my lounge hurridly brushing my hair in a large oval-shaped mirror I had above what was once a fireplace. As I did so something moved behind me catching my eye in the mirror.

    Standing exactly where the "cold spot" was and looking directly at me was a young girl, probably about 15 or 16, in a black dress over which was a white pinafore and wearing a white mop-cap. She smiled slightly at me. I spun around through air that had dropped a number of degrees but she was not there. I looked back in the mirror but again she had gone.

    It was a number of days later when I spoke to the couple who lived in the top flat who I was on friendly terms with about what I had seen and they weren't in the least surprised. Apparently they had seen her on a regular basis and she was completely harmless. She appeared to be, by her dress, an Edwardian house-maid and she was seen more often on the top floor since that would have originally been the servants quarters; and objects moving in my flat was possibly still her doing her job in clearing up after the family or house owner

  3. I saw a ghost once, he was a tall, old man in a black suit, he just stood outside the bathroom.

    Other paranormal activity in my house include cold spots, doors opening and slamming on their own, objects moving around, loud thumbs and lights flashing on and off.

    Also one time when I home alone I heard two little girls running along the hall and laughing.  

  4. i actually have encountered a ghost before.

    i was taking a shower and then when i got out, i got dressed and everything and i turn around because i could of sworn i saw something so that's why i turned and i saw a lady laying on my bed and I was like 5 so i didn't know who it was and i went up to her and as soon as i went up to her, she just disappeared.

  5. nothing...they don't exist

  6. not a ghost but three to date shadow people and numerous shadow cats.

  7. Well spirits are real and what happens depends on what situation was occurring when you notice their presents....

  8. yea i did when i was little. (i dont remember this but my dad told me about what happened and what i explained to him at that age)

    i was like 4 years old and i was at my grandmothers house and i was playing with my friend. my dad,grandma, and my friend's dad were outside talking. i was in the guest room playing. then all of a sudden i saw an old lady in the corner of the room staring at me, i started screaming and crying and was gona run to my dad, but i fell down the stairs and hit my head on the floor, and again i was crying but louder. my dad came running in and picked me up and asked what happened,but i was crying too much and then he asked my friend what happened, and he said that he doesn't know, and that i just started crying and fell down the stairs, then i calmed down a bit and told him that the old lady pushed me, and that she was in the room, so he took me upstairs and he was like 'where is she? what lady?' so i pointed to the picture of my dead great grandma. and to this day i'm scared to sleep in that room or go in and be there alone, especially at night.

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