
Ever experienced an 'air rage' incident ? How close to the incident were you ?

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perhaps you were yourself embroiled in a bitter dispute with another passenger aboard a flight, if so, share your experiences here.

Or perhaps you witnessed the air rage incident first hand but werent involved in it.

Was it a frightening uneasy experience ? Or was it hilarious (as much as it was inconvenient and stupid) ?

I was on a flight to India in 2002, flew via Air Turkmenistan and landed at Ashkahbad airport.

What occured on that tiny jumbo jet from Ashkahbad to Delhi was insane. Drunkard Senior Citizens getting up and ready to engage in fistcuffs ...the womenfolk near by were petrified and the wives of these 'men' were fuming at their husbands, if i recall correctly, one of the drunkards drunkenly blurted out 'bah, I have not had much to drink' and one of the cabin crew replied 'well I promise this trolley won't be coming down your isle any time soon , sit down '


you just had to be on that flight, and had to have witnessed this first hand, i was seated next to my sisters and we were in tears laughing.




  1. a drunk man took a swing for one of the stewardesses on a flight from Jamaica to the UK. Before the plane even left the stand!

    The thing is we were stood at the business class ticket desk and could see him at one of the other desks with a can of red stripe in his hand checking in his luggage! How did they not see that he was intoxicated at the desks (we could clearly see he was)

    He was offloaded and delayed the plane by over an hour but at least he did it before we took off!


  2. Yes.  The stewardesses had a long delay and were in bad moods when we boarded at Manchester on a London-Manchester-Toronto flight.

    I have never had such a rude cabin crew and there were numerous deficiencies on the flight including no diabetic meals as ordered, pillows stuffed with a crumbled granola bar, one and one half hours to get warm milk for the screaming child behind me, and a dozen other problems that I experienced.  Other passengers had equally troubling experiences.

    In speaking with the stewardess we were treated to snippy responses.  We asked for the head stewardess who was of no help also.  She stated that she would give us the name of the customer service rep at the end of the flight.  As we disembarked we asked where she was and the crew told us she was in the back of the plane and unavailable.

    In this case I think the flight crew was hostile, antagonistic, rude, demeaning, and many other superlatives.  I believe if a passenger behaved like they did, they would be accused of air rage.

    I have not flown Air Transat since 2004.      

  3. Yours was funny and I thought the stewardess responded well.  However, how many time do we hear of air rage and it always involves drink - you never get air rage when a passenger cannot have a cigarette because the opinion now is that it endangers the other passengers health!  Some drunken idiot lurching all over the plane is not a health risk??  I have had experience of drunken behaviour on a plane which scared the wits out of me:  Drunken group got on plane; were obviously the worse for wear before they got on; stewardess's warned them on several occasions and refused to serve them more.  One punched the steward who had 'come to the rescue', one raced up towards the cockpit and hammered on the door; the other ran up and down the aisle shouting disgusting language.  There were young kids on-board and they were scared.  One of them grabbed my drink and threw it over another passenger.  That was the last straw for me and I slapped his face and put him in an arm-lock. They spent the remainder of the flight secured at the back by flight staff.  Great start to our holiday.  The 'best bit' was when we went to the pool the following day - 2 of them were sitting there!  2 had apparently been immediately sent home on the next flight.  And no, the remaining 2 did not 'spoil' the holiday for the next 2 weeks - they turned out to be really nice guys and got on well with everyone.  Maybe the air pressure got to them - who knows?

  4. On a flight Dublin Toronto with Air Transat.

    Asked for 2 beers for my son (18 year old) and myself. Told by the g*y flights steward that my son had to be 19 to drink on a Canadian flight. I said, give me 2 beers for myself then and he refused and gave me one bottle adding that if I gave my son a sup from it he would have the police waiting for us at Toronto.I told him to f@ck off.

    They got their own back.

    On the return leg we were identified at check in, taken by security and had our luggage searched. Charged for being 5 kilo overweight and were given the last two seats at the back of the plane which were non reclining. We had to sit up straight on a 7 hour night flight.

    On leaving the plane at arrival, another steward enquired if we had enjoyed the flight( with a grin on his face) and hoped we would fly with Air Transat again soon.

    I told him to f@ck off also.

  5. Yes......drunks...........the flight attendant handled it well.......gave her my business card.........had to make a statement to support her position........should not have alcohol on a aircraft. This was not funny....dead serious..........the drunk was cuffed to his seat and went to jail for interfering with a flight crew.

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