
Ever feel life has no point?

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Ever feel life has no point?




  1. I do every day. I am now a 63yr old male andI used to look after my disabled wife doing everything for her but she died in 1999 since then I have lost all my close relatives and now find I cant work due to Angina and depression and I just feel life has not point for me.

  2. Yes but, then again, I've yet to see a plausible reason as to why it SHOULD have point.  This is where we find ourselves, we might as well get on with it.  The alternatives at this stage of the game are limited and unappealing. Some people might invent or adopt a 'point' to life.  Fine - if that's what gets them through the day ...  

    This kind of self torture is a curse of luxury - reserved to those who have the time and comfort to sit back and contemplate their navel.  I have been as guilty as anyone.  You won't find someone fighting for crumbs to ward off starvation worrying about whether there is a point to life.  They are too busy living it as best they can.

    If you can't find a long term purpose, why not try a short term purpose - something that improves one aspect of wherever you find yourself today.  When you've achieved that one, pick the next and keep going.  You might be amazed at where it takes your life.

  3. To dwell on the negative parts of your life is sad. Of course life has point! What point-it is up to you to find out. Life is what you make it. As harsh as it sounds, wallow in self pity and life will be rough. Look on the bright side and it will look better.

    If you have a bad experience, think 'not to worry' -how can i improve that?  

  4. Frequently, everything in my life has gone wrong and i've simply had enough of living such a pointless and pathetic life, but that isn't the case for everyone, depending on ones experiences in life it differs, some people are lucky and some like me are incredibly unlucky.

  5. Sad very very sad to hear people speaking in this way!

    I think if you spent time looking around you could find happiness is out their waiting for you.

    This is one of the main reason (In my opinion) for this feeling is...

    Life at present is based on money, power and status

    People like a doctor for example simple b/c they have a good salary,Study for years as their pay increase so does the expectation of the person i.e a higher standard of living. Bills increase, house gets upgraded to a detached, a more expensive car. So when a person suddenly realise that money is not as important as happiness what does this person do. The doctor will now have to scarifies the life style in the pursuit of happiness "not likely".

    Most people feel tr aped in their jobs or life situation would is important is to prioritise you goals, but base them on the pursuit of happiness not wealth.

  6. No, I don't because I know it does have a point.

    I think you may want to explore Christianity and find out what God says in the Bible about life. We have a purpose, and you need to know what that is so you can fulfill it.

    I hope you will take the time to talk to someone who knows the Bible well to get more information and begin to go to church. One more very important thing; right now, ask God to come into your life, that you want to know your purpose. Then look for where He may be leading you.

    Take care.

  7. yup. Enjoy the slacking while you can...

  8. yes sometimes i wish just to end my life

  9. All the time  

  10. Life is what you make it.

  11. Hey,

    Somedays I guess I do. I lived alone and on my own by the time I was 16. I work harder then h**l and have all of my life. I have never really had time to be a kid I grew up. Now I run two businesses and sometimes it feels like no one appreciates what I do. But what the heck do you do?

    You keep on going. You remember that no matter how bad you have it someone has it worse then you. You forge ahead. Life has a point everyones life has a point. Your life is what you make it.

    Some people really get me because sometimes with the human race it takes something like being on your death bed to appreciate what you have. Just take one day at a time and don't stress too much.

    If you are asking that question because you feel that way then remember there are always people to talk to and if you want even talk to me.

    Good luck

  12. at times. yes. but i try not to think about it too much.

  13. I wouldn't if I didn't have kids, they are my life.

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