let me start by saying i am not crazy. spiriual and religious but not crazy. not a "bible thumper", but i believe in God. i think i am just an average 21 yr old guy who is sane and takes no sort of drugs. so heres where it gets crazy and complicated and you get to finally know whati am REALLY asking ... we feel like an actual , more realistic version of john constatnine. we more connected to the spiritual side of things and have seen things we cannot explain. things we just know and feel thru and thru. we feel like we are meant for something, to fight, for lack of a better word. i have only met less than a handful of people who feel like i do and we have only acknowledged it becasue we feel connected to each other on levels we do not fully understand. we all are not crazy. we are not like a cult or anything. we all believe in god and live like normal people. we just have this "calling", that we know is our purpose now i ask that question ... Does anyone feel the same as we do?